Guerrilla Artist Adds Fictional Names to Road Signs

Guerrilla Artist Adds Fictional Names to Road Signs
A mysterious guerrilla artist has adapted road signs to feature fictional places like Gotham City and Middle Earth. (SWNS)

A mysterious guerrilla artist is confusing motorists—adding fictional place names like Gotham City to road signs.

Fantasy destinations such as Middle Earth, Narnia, and Neverland have been added to a number of road signs around Didcot in the UK.

The font has been meticulously made to exactly match that of other genuine names on the signs.

Road sign for Gotham City. (SWNS)
Road sign for Gotham City. (SWNS)

Motorists heading along the A4130 can turn right toward Neverland while those heading to Didcot A power station are told they are destined for Narnia.

However, the local Oxfordshire County Council has not seen the funny side and labelled the amendments to five signs as vandalism.

Spokesman Martin Crabtree said, “While on the surface amusing, it is vandalism and a potential distraction for drivers. We will investigate as soon as the weather improves.”

Rumours have circulated in the town about a hooded man seen modifying signs during the day last Friday.

Road sign for Middle Earth. (SWNS)
Road sign for Middle Earth. (SWNS)

Local resident Charlotte Westgate said she saw someone adding Gotham City to a sign but hadn’t realised so many of them had been changed.

Didcot Mayor Jackie Billington said, “Someone has obviously gone to a lot of trouble. You can’t tell the difference, they are exactly the same font and look like any other normal street sign.

“It is fun and quirky and gets people talking about the town again but, in all seriousness, they will have to be removed at some point and that will be an expensive job,” she said.

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