Governor Rick Scott Gets Berated by Woman in Starbucks


The woman, unfazed by the governor’s retort, responds sarcastically: “A million jobs? Great!” Spreading out her arms questioningly, she rhetorically asks the other individuals in the coffee shop “who here has a great job?”

“You should,” the governor remarks. 

The woman, outraged at this point, continues: “You stripped women of access to public healthcare. Shame on you Rick Scott!” On March 25, Scott signed into law a controversial bill that ends state funding to certain reproductive health clinics and places restrictions on abortions. 

As the governor and his entourage walk out, the woman continues to tell Scott that he should be ashamed of himself. In a final comment, the governor says to the woman “maybe you should [unintelligible] say the truth.”

According to the video’s description, the exchange took place in a Starbucks in Gainesville, Fla.