GOP Doxxing Suspect Arrested, Identified as Democrat Staffer

Zachary Stieber

A man who allegedly doxxed Republican Senators on Wikipedia was arrested by United States Capitol Police late Wednesday, Oct. 3.

Private information about the Senators, including their home addresses, was posted on their biography pages on Wikipedia, shortly after the Sept. 27 public hearing that featured Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and California professor Dr. Christine Ford.

The Capitol Police identified the suspect as Jackson Cosko, 27, and said he was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communications, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary, and unlawful entry.

The police said the investigation will continue and more charges may be forthcoming.

Links to Democrats

Cosko has worked for a number of Democrats, including most recently Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).
Glenn Rushing, Jackson Lee’s chief of staff, told the Washington Examiner that Cosko was on Lee’s staff at the time of the arrest but has been fired.

“It is an ongoing investigation and we are cooperating with authorities,” he said.

Cosko has previously worked for Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

According to his LinkedIn, which describes him as a “Democratic political professional and cybersecurity graduate student,” Cosko first interned for Senators in 2011, before interning for Congress in 2012 into 2013. He began his current term of work for the Senate in January 2016, listing his positions as press intern, staff assistant, press assistant, and legislative correspondent.

According to his latest job title, he assisted senior staff with issues before the Commerce Committee including technology and also assisted with cybersecurity matters brought before the Homeland Security Committee.

Wikipedia Edits

Republican Senators were doxxed on Sept. 27, with information posted including their home addresses and phone numbers. The information was later removed.
The three doxxed officials were Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), and Mike Lee (R-Utah), reported Fox News.

All three Senators serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is the committee handling the nomination of Kavanaugh.

The edits were identified by a Twitter account that automatically posts edits made to Wikipedia pages from computers on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Police are probing doxxing incidents involving at least two additional Senators, reported Fox News on Oct. 3. One of those Senators doxxed was Sen. Rand Paul (K.Y.).
Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]
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