Google Partners With University of Oxford for Future AI Research

Google is teaming up with the University of Oxford to try and further the research being done into artificial intelligence. The company is one of the biggest researchers into this technology and with good reason, as many of its future products seem to rely on it.
Google Partners With University of Oxford for Future AI Research
Google's future self-driving cars will rely on AI Google; effects added by Epoch Times

Google is teaming up with the University of Oxford to try and further the research being done into artificial intelligence. The company is one of the biggest researchers into this technology and with good reason, as many of its future products seem to rely on it.

Through this partnership Google has hired seven people, some of which will also remain at Oxford. At the same time the search giant has pledged a “substantial” donation towards establishing a research partnership with the university’s Computer Science and Engineering departments.

Republished with permission from NeowinRead the original

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