Google Finally Reveals the Glass

Google finally reveals details of its project Glass. A revolutionary technology, it is still a work in progress.
Google Finally Reveals the Glass
Screen shot of the Google Glass from the website,
Naveen Athrappully

Google has revealed the user interface of its long awaited project Glass in a new website. The website covers three simple queries. What wearing the Glass feels like, what it does and how to get one.

The Glass is a voice-activated device. You have to mention “OK, Glass” and say one the pre-loaded commands to execute the task. Suppose you want to take a video, you say, “OK, Glass, record a video,” and the Glass starts recording. So what all can the Glass do? A lot, apparently.

Google has listed some of the commands, and we can assume there will be more coming up. The project is still a work in progress. The Glass can take images, record videos and share them. Your friends can view the scene (that you are viewing) in real time. And they can message or mail you and you can read it from the corner of your eyes.

Suppose you’re at a crossroad, you could simply say, “OK, Glass, get directions to New York” and the Glass will show the route (using Google Maps). You could calculate the distance, and if you’re feeling hungry, get the list of available restaurants on the way. Once you enter the restaurant, the Glass can show you the most popular dish there. Unfortunately it cannot taste the food for you.

You have finally reached New York, and you meet an Indian tourist who does not know the way or the language. She is asking something. You can barely make out the meaning. Then, you tell the Glass to translate your message for her. The tourist is impressed. She is looking for a particular show that’s happening in town. You never cared much for Broadway. But feeling very helpful today, you say, “OK, Glass, find out when’s Jersey Boys is playing and the ticket cost?” The tourist looks puzzled at you. Well, you’re talking to yourself, and your eyes are moving all over the place. Finally you give her the information, and feeling quite happy for yourself, you take a walk around.

And here comes Google Now, the digital voice assistant from the search giant that has been integrated in the device. It knows your habits, it can (almost) read your mind. “Google Now is always one step ahead,” says the company. You have reached the subway that you normally take. The Glass automatically tells you which trains come next. Waiting in the subway, you suddenly jump into the air. What the astounded people around you don’t realize is that your favorite team just won the Major League, and the Glass just informed you.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin was recently spotted on New York’s subway testing the device. The company is now inviting people in the United States to be Glass Explorers. Interested folks can use the hashtag #ifihadGlass to suggest ways they would make use of the headset and give suggestions on how to develop the hardware and its features. If you’re selected as an Explorer, you can purchase the Glass for $1,500 plus tax and attend a special pick-up experience, in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles. “We’re looking for bold, creative individuals who want to join us and be a part of shaping the future of Glass,” Google said. “We’re still in the early stages and, while we can’t promise everything will be perfect, we can promise it will be exciting.”

Do you see this as one of the most revolutionary technologies in recent times? Or would you rather stick on to your tablets and smartphones?

Naveen Athrappully
Naveen Athrappully
Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times.
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