Globalism: Hybrid Ideology of the 21st Century

Globalism: Hybrid Ideology of the 21st Century
Globalism as an ideology seeks to homogenize the world. (Geralt/

Totalitarianism in the 20th century was dominated by two ideologies: communism and fascism. Much to the dismay of those believing communism is the antithesis of fascism, these ideologies are two sides of the same coin.

Both were based on absolute control over every aspect of society, from economic to social. The fact that communism directly controls the means of production, whereas fascism indirectly controls this via taxation and regulation, is moot at best. Equally, communists may have focused on class while fascists focused on race, but both used collective consciousness to other the outsider and subordinate the individual to the state.

By the second half of the 20th century, fascism was well and truly discredited and defeated as an ideology, becoming the worst of all political pejoratives. In contrast, World War II led to communism taking over the entirety of Eastern Europe and the Balkans, encroaching as far as the eastern part of Germany. In a post-Cold War world, a new ideology has risen to the forefront of the world stage: globalism.

Globalism is not a name willingly adopted by those behind it, unlike communists or fascists who took open pride in their identity. Nonetheless, it’s a useful label to describe the new “internationalist” order that appeared in the final decade of the 20th century, gaining momentum as the 21st century progressed.

When the Cold War ended, this new ideology didn’t announce itself to the world in the same way that communism and fascism did, either. This subtlety is, perhaps, its most insidious trait.

Communism and Fascism Combined

Globalism is a hybrid ideology: neither communism nor fascism, but combining elements of both. Economically, it’s a form of fascism, derived from the corporatist structure of fascist regimes in the 20th century.

Fascists learned from the famine and shortages in Soviet Russia that led to Vladimir Lenin’s New Economic Policy of 1921—also designed to pacify rebellion in the same year. Fascists used corporations as proxies to control the economy: Taxation and regulation bypassed the risks associated with owning the legal title of a business, thus avoiding the problems communists experienced by owning the means of production.

Fascism is a form of socialism, albeit different in application to communism. Alas, communist sympathizers have tried to deny that this is the case. They’ve done this by changing the definition of socialism. In a similar vein, no one can be considered left-wing if they aren’t communists. The end result of this revisionism is that those not advocating every plank of the Communist Manifesto cannot be socialist or left-wing.

Prior to World War II, debate ensued over whether communism or fascism was the better route for socialists to take.

A 1926 Nazi pamphlet titled “Thoughts About the Tasks of the Future” stated, “We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!” It would be easy to mistake this for a Marxist proclamation.

Setting aside that some will never accept that fascism is a form of socialism, we can certainly see how willing corporations are to collaborate with governments today, creating a revolving door between elites in the highest echelons of state and business.

This kind of mutually beneficial arrangement is sometimes referred to as “corporate fascism,” in which big business implements state economic policies and, critically, collects revenue. This relationship can be juxtaposed to feudal lords collecting taxes on behalf of the monarchy, benefiting from a close relationship to the royal court.

Cultural Marxism

Due to communism persistently resulting in economic liberalization to stave off total collapse, globalism adopts the far more pragmatic economic policies of fascism. Socially, however, globalism utterly rejects this ideology. Being internationalist in nature, globalism is completely opposed to nationalism, be it civic or ethnic, and is therefore on par with communism in this regard.

Fascism is typically associated with nationalism, but given that it seeks expansion beyond the borders of a nation, it’s more like an ethnic or racial form of internationalism. Internationalism seeks precisely the same expansionist goal, albeit without emphasis on race or ethnicity.

Fascism aspires toward a “master race” that rules the world. For communism, it’s a “new man” that transcends nation, religion, or economic class.

Globalism is a postmodern ideology that seeks a world where biological and cultural distinctions no longer exist and therefore is a product of Marxist thinking known as “cultural Marxism.”

As we can see, globalism stems from the same social school of thought as communism, though firmly remaining in the fascist economic camp. This creates a toxic combination that decimates culture and tradition. Globalism cripples economies on a national and local scale, replacing them with corporate monopolies that make countries interdependent and weak.

In this economic backdrop, globalism has gradually established supranational and intergovernmental organizations like the European Union and United Nations, surreptitiously expanding them through agreements that are euphemistically presented as international free trade.

Socially, globalism attacks any sense of identity on a national scale. On the individual level, it breaks down biology until all that remains is a nihilistic sense of self. Devoid of national or individual identity, people are lured into an endless cycle of social justice group-think that foments Balkanization.

Society thus becomes atomized, rootless, and completely vulnerable to globalist convergence. We saw this take place when Britain voted to leave the EU, marking hysterical outbursts by British people who felt more like Europeans than UK citizens.

No society can survive without an identity, and no individual can maintain balance if they don’t know who they are—hence the reason globalism is such a destructive ideology.

Cid Lazarou is a blogger, writer, and freelance journalist from the UK.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Cid Lazarou is a blogger, writer, and freelance journalist from the UK.
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