Global Q&A: ‘What do you look for in a newspaper?’

Epoch Times reporters from Brazil to Sweden discovered when they asked locals ...
Global Q&A: ‘What do you look for in a newspaper?’
Julie Westover, 29, Piano Teacher, Toronto, Canada: I appreciate newspapers that tell a lot about local politics. I get so frustrated when I watch local news and it’s just, this person on a bike got hit by a car, or somebody’s dog died. That’s not interesting to me. I want to know what’s happening in the city. For instance, I like knowing what’s going on with City Hall right now, or what’s going on with transit funding—things happening in the city. The Epoch Times

People across the world appreciate in-depth coverage from their media outlets, noting the importance of meaningful, informative, and uplifting content. This is what Epoch Times reporters from Brazil to Sweden discovered when they asked locals:

“What do you look for in a newspaper?”


Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question: “What is the state of homelessness in your community?”