March 23 Global Q&A: Most Important Family Member

Epoch Times reporters ask readers from around the globe: “Who is the most important member of your family?”
March 23 Global Q&A: Most Important Family Member
Anthony Clarkson, Sydney, Australia
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Sabrina Carboni, Arezzo, Italy" title="Sabrina Carboni, Arezzo, Italy" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83452"/></a>
Sabrina Carboni, Arezzo, Italy
Who is the most important member of your family?

Terranuova Bracciolini (Arezzo), Italy

Sabrina Carboni, 37, Maid,

My daughter !!! of course. Maybe this is not correct because I have my husband too. He is important, but he is on another plane. A little, little different plane.




<a href=""><img src="" alt="Monika Longauerova, Presov, Slovakia" title="Monika Longauerova, Presov, Slovakia" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83453"/></a>
Monika Longauerova, Presov, Slovakia
Presov, Slovakia

Monika Longauerova, 49, Psychologist

That’s a difficult question. When looking into the past, the most important for me were my parents. I think that they passed to me the best they could. They always supported me and accepted me without reservations. I learned scantiness, humility towards life and they also helped me to sort out my values. Especially the one that money is not everything and that the compassion towards others and goodness cannot be bought. Today, most important for me are my kids. I tried to pass to them the goodness I myself received.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Liu Meihua, Taipei, Taiwan" title="Liu Meihua, Taipei, Taiwan" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83454"/></a>
Liu Meihua, Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan

Liu Meihua, 31, Makeup Factory Inspector

My son is the most important, because his father is not here. I only have him, to keep me company. It’s also because of a mother’s instinct.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Noa Chashafi, Israel" title="Noa Chashafi, Israel" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83455"/></a>
Noa Chashafi, Israel

Noa Chashafi, 18, High School Student

The most important people in my family are my father and mother. I think that the roots of the family are within the building blocks of the family, which are our parents. They shape our personality in the most significant years and we need to respect them and appreciate very much what they’ve done because making a home and raising children is really a life-long project.



<a href=""><img src="" alt="Alt Mónika Anetta, Cluj Napoca, Romania" title="Alt Mónika Anetta, Cluj Napoca, Romania" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83456"/></a>
Alt Mónika Anetta, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Cluj Napoca, Romania

Alt Mónika Anetta, 30, Assistant Lecturer

I don’t need to think much for who is the most important person in my family; it’s my girl. I raise my child alone; I don’t know if I would feel different if I would live in a classic family. Anyway, I can’t even call my situation a selfless one, because I get a lot of love from her. I think that the most important investment in life is the people, the relations between them and their harmonious development.



<a href=""><img src="" alt="Feliciano Claudio Gomes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" title="Feliciano Claudio Gomes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83457"/></a>
Feliciano Claudio Gomes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Feliciano Claudio Gomes, 33, Porter

My mother! She spent nine months generating me inside her womb, and then she introduced me to the world. I owe her my existence.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Bridget Aitchison, Tucson, Arizona USA" title="Bridget Aitchison, Tucson, Arizona USA" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83458"/></a>
Bridget Aitchison, Tucson, Arizona USA
Tucson, Arizona USA

Bridget Aitchison, 47, Community Manager

My dad, my daddy, no my mom! I can’t choose between them, my mom and dad, because they were the best teachers that I had. I’ve never, ever seen my parents argue. People always came to my parents with their problems when I was growing up. I never went to anyone else. They’re the best grandparents, my kids are so lucky to have them and the kids know it. I grew up knowing what a sense of family is.


<a href=""><img src="" alt="Anthony Clarkson, Sydney, Australia" title="Anthony Clarkson, Sydney, Australia" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-83459"/></a>
Anthony Clarkson, Sydney, Australia
Sydney, Australia

Anthony Clarkson, 51, Sales Manager

The important member of my family is my partner, without any shadow of a doubt. We’ve been together for 10 years and she’s just been my rock even since we’ve been together. With the strength, she’s made me who I am. I went through some hard times and she’s always been there for me. I could never live without her. She’s the most important member of my family.

(All photos: The Epoch Times)


Look for the Global Q&A column every week, when Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspective on local and global realities.

Next week’s global question: What common characteristics do you think are held by the people of your country?