Global Q&A: Do you feel there’s not enough time in the day?

Time is moving fast with no time for oneself or family life outside of work commitments. Preparation at the beginning of the day to complete a priority list works well for some people.
Global Q&A: Do you feel there’s not enough time in the day?
Lima, Peru: Marleni Quispe, 36, Sales Promoter: Yes, I feel like the days, weeks, and months go fast; I understand that the planet is going through difficult changes—decreased ozone, pollution, et cetera. The rotation of the Earth around the sun is faster. I do not read the Bible, but I believe in God, and I hear that these changes indicate the end of the world is near. And that the time is not enough, I think that organizing everything for the duration of the day before leaving home for work, we will do our work with tranquility, and all goes well.

Time is moving fast with no time for oneself or family life outside of work commitments. Preparation at the beginning of the day to complete a priority list works well for some people. This is what Epoch Times reporters from areas such as Peru to United Arab Emirates discovered when they asked locals, “Do you feel there’s not enough time in the day?”

Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question, “If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which would it be?”