Global Q&A, “Describe what your culture considers to be the perfect woman?”

The ideal of a woman in New York culture is probably sophisticated, successful, and independent.
Global Q&A, “Describe what your culture considers to be the perfect woman?”
Brisbane, Australia: Jason McCabe, 30, Paramedic Science Student/Stage Mechanic: I think in today’s society in Australia the idea of the perfect woman is a little bit unclear with the changing times, and the dynamics going away from marriage in general and having the wife as the homemaker, as such. And they’re being more encouraged, or having more ability to make a career of their own, and at times reversing the roles, I guess, of traditional family.

The qualities that make up a perfect woman may vary from place to place. Some cultures value modesty, others beauty, still others professional achievements. This is what Epoch Times reporters from places like the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine discovered when they asked locals, “Describe what your culture considers to be the perfect woman?” 

Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question, “If you knew for sure your efforts would make a fundamental difference, what would you apply yourself to?”