Gervais, Timberlake Photo Inspires Twitter ‘Floorpics’ (+Photo)

Gervais, Timberlake photo: A photo of Ricky Gervais and Justin Timberlake showing the two on the floor in a party inspired an Internet meme.
Gervais, Timberlake Photo Inspires Twitter ‘Floorpics’ (+Photo)

Gervais, Timberlake photo: A photo of Ricky Gervais and Justin Timberlake showing the two on the floor in a party inspired an Internet meme.

The two were at the  Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People party in New York, according to The Sun, when the photo was taken.

Gervais tweeted: “.@jtimberlake & I, lying on the floor at The Time 100 Most Influential People Gala. I blame the free booze.” 

The comedian later appeared in a similar, purple-hued photo with TV host Jimmy Fallon.

A Twitter user then created the @floorpics account to retweet photos of the same kind. The #floorpics hashtag soon appeared after that.

“@rickygervais most influential eh? And you use this power how? Getting people’s nans prostrate on the floor AND snapping it for Twitter. Ace,” one Twitter follower said.

Gervais then tweeted pictures of his great aunt and grandmother on the floor, making faces.

“Please remember you must not force old people to get on the floor. Gently coax them down by placing biscuits on the carpet near a radiator,” he tweeted