George W. Bush ‘Arrested for Cocaine Possession’ is a Hoax

George W. Bush ‘Arrested for Cocaine Possession’ is a Hoax
Jack Phillips

A fake report saying ex-President George W. Bush was arrested for drug possession is going viral.

The bogus report was uploaded to Empire News, a self-described “satire” website.

The article says, “One of the most notorious Presidents in history of The United States of America is back in the spotlight, but not because of his politics. George W. Bush was arrested in a Dallas suburb late Tuesday evening after a routine traffic stop uncovered over an ounce of cocaine in his glove compartment.” It adds: “Dallas police say they pulled over Bush after he made a right turn without signaling.”

According to a disclaimer, Empire News is fake and shouldn’t be taken seriously. “Empire News is a satirical and entertainment website. We only use invented names in all our stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental,” it says.

The article had thousands of “likes” and shares on Facebook as of Sunday.

Bush, like all current and former presidents, has a small army of Secret Service agents around him, meaning that local police wouldn’t be able to get near him.

But a number of users on social media sites apparently believed the fake report.

“Somehow it does not surprise me. Hey look at Nixon or Marion Berry or Kennedy. Our gov,t covers up a lot things while there in office, but not much while out. If this suddenly disappears from the internet, you will know,” one person said on Facebook.

Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips
Breaking News Reporter
Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter with 15 years experience who started as a local New York City reporter. Having joined The Epoch Times' news team in 2009, Jack was born and raised near Modesto in California's Central Valley. Follow him on X: