Gas Prices Rise Across US as Holidays Approach

Gas prices are on the rise again across the Midwest as Christmas approaches, the highest since 2008.
Gas Prices Rise Across US as Holidays Approach

[xtypo_dropcap]T[/xtypo_dropcap]he price of gasoline has risen across the American Midwest to an average of $2.96 per gallon, as the Christmas holiday approaches.

Gas prices have been steadily rising across the United States over the last few years. Ten years ago, prices were sitting at around $1 per gallon, and by 2004, it had doubled, before doubling again in the summer of 2008.

With the price of crude oil reaching $89.19 a barrel late this week, many are predicting that gasoline prices will edge past $3 per gallon. This is the highest since 2008, at a time when people are on the road visiting relatives and buying presents for loved ones.

Spokespeople for the AAA Midwest have given varied reasons for the recent hike, from a weakening U.S. dollar and increased heating demands, to a strengthening European economy.

Lon Anderson, a spokesman for AAA Mid-Atlantic, told the Washington Examiner that recent positive news on the retail- and home-sales front was also a major factor in the increase, as upbeat economic data can portend an increase in energy demand and consumption.

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