Gallup Poll: Confidence in Trump Grows After Election day

Gallup Poll: Confidence in Trump Grows After Election day
President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump walk from a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC on Nov. 10, 2016. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Epoch Newsroom

A new Gallup Poll shows Americans are more confident in President-elect Donald Trump following Election Day.

The poll, released Nov. 16, surveyed voting-age adults, showing that 51 percent of respondents are more confident in the president-elect. That is “similar to post-election confidence in” former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Gallup noted.

But about 40 percent of Americans are not confident in Trump. Compared with Clinton and Bush, that number is higher.

Meanwhile, 19 percent of Clinton supporters are “more confident” in Trump since the election, said Gallup.

The Gallup poll found that Americans approve of the job President Barack Obama is doing. He posted his highest approval rating in the Gallup weekly average, at 57 percent, since December 2012.

In the poll, 3,561 people living in every U.S. state and Washington, D.C. were surveyed. There is a margin of error of plus or minus 2 points.

“Overall, roughly the same percentage of Americans are ’more confident' in Trump’s ability to serve as president based on his recent statements and actions, as was the case with Bush and Bill Clinton after they were elected,” said Gallup. Trump’s similar results on this measure to Clinton’s and Bush’s are notable given Trump’s much lower favorability rating, which may portend a low approval rating once Trump assumes the presidency two months from now.”

“At the very least, the higher percentage of Americans who express less confidence in Trump than they did in Bush and Clinton at similar junctures likely suggests that Trump may be more polarizing overall.”