Funding Secured for Irish Arts Center in New York

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland announced grant for construction of Irish Arts Center in Manhattan.
Funding Secured for Irish Arts Center in New York

IRELAND—In early December this year, The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin, TD, announced the allocation of a $3.3 million grant towards the construction of the Irish Arts Center in Manhattan, New York.

During the Global Irish Economic Forum, which was held in Farmleigh, Ireland this September past, many of those who attended the gathering were prominent Irish business men and women from around the globe, who cited the importance of Irish culture to the image of Ireland abroad and in particular in the U.S.

Minister Martin noted that this was in line with the Irish government’s conclusion of their Strategic Review of Ireland-U.S. Relations, published by the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) last March.

In a statement announcing the grant from the Emigrant Support Program managed by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, Minister Micheál Martin said, “The allocation of such significant funding is a clear demonstration of the government’s strong commitment to the building of the new Irish Arts Center in New York.” According to the Minister the funding is a response to the generosity shown by the City of New York in making a site, valued at $12 million available for the project, along with a further $8 million in capital funding.

It is hoped, according to Minister Martin, that the new center will project a positive image of Ireland and Irish Americans across the U.S. “It will facilitate extensive Irish-related cultural, business and community programs; will showcase quality contemporary Irish theater and art; and will also provide an invaluable resource for the Irish emigrant community in the U.S.,” said the Minister.

Mr Martin stated that the construction of the New York Irish Arts Center is identified as a priority in the revised program for the Irish government. He also paid tribute to Minister Martin Cullen for his “long-standing support and commitment to the project.”

Minister Cullen’s Reaction

“New York was always a point of arrival for the Irish in the new world. This new investment by the Irish government in the Irish Arts Center in New York heralds an acknowledgment of the contribution that the Irish have made to the social fabric of New York and America including arts and culture,” said Martin Cullen TD, Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism.

Mr Cullen also informed The Epoch Times that this new center would demonstrate Ireland’s commitment to the arts. “The center will provide a platform for Irish arts at the very epicenter of the world’s ‘cultural heartbeat’ that is New York,” concluded Minister Cullen.

New York City

New York City Mayor Bloomberg and Speaker Christine Quinn were also praised by Minister Micheál Martin for their support for the initiative. He also thanked Irish actor Gabriel Byrne for his support for the Arts Center and for his work in promoting Irish culture throughout the U.S..

“The Irish Arts Center has become a New York City treasure and a world class cultural destination,” said Speaker Christine C. Quinn in a statement to The Epoch Times. “I am delighted that with this financial commitment from the Irish government the Irish Arts Center will continue to be home to first rate performances for all to enjoy and appreciate. It is a most welcome sign that Ireland is wisely investing in the arts and the Irish brand in its most important overseas market.”

Aidan Connolly, Executive Director, Irish Arts Center told The Epoch Times that those at the center had “long planned and eagerly welcome this opportunity to help sustain and expand Ireland’s cultural footprint in the U.S.” Commenting on behalf of the Irish Arts Center Mr Connelly was confident that the collaboration between the City of New York and the Irish government would provide valuable lasting economic benefit to Ireland and in turn help ensure the vitality of Irish arts and culture in America.

The Irish Arts Center

The Irish Arts Center was founded in 1972 and has grown to be one of the leading non-profit institution in New York. It brings the best of Irish arts and culture to audiences of all ages and ethnic backgrounds and is located in the heart of Manhattan’s historic “Hell’s Kitchen”.

According to their website, “The Irish Arts Center is one of the largest and most inclusive Irish cultural organizations in the United States. More than 35,000 people of all ages and ethnicities participated directly in Irish Arts Center programs in 2006, plus many more through print and broadcast media coverage of our theatrical and musical engagements, education programs, festivals, and special events.”