Free Shuttle to Service Toronto’s Waterfront Just in Time for Victoria Day

Starting Saturday, Torontonians can enjoy a free ride from Union Station to Ontario Place and back.
Free Shuttle to Service Toronto’s Waterfront Just in Time for Victoria Day
A gang of pirates roam around the shuttle bus, inviting people to join them at the waterfront on Victoria Day. Lina Berezovska/The Epoch Times

<a><img src="" alt="A gang of pirates roam around the shuttle bus, inviting people to join them at the waterfront on Victoria Day. (Lina Berezovska/The Epoch Times)" title="A gang of pirates roam around the shuttle bus, inviting people to join them at the waterfront on Victoria Day. (Lina Berezovska/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1803857"/></a>
A gang of pirates roam around the shuttle bus, inviting people to join them at the waterfront on Victoria Day. (Lina Berezovska/The Epoch Times)

TORONTO—Starting Saturday, Torontonians can enjoy a free ride from Union Station to Ontario Place and back. The new service will run every 30 minutes, carry 30 people, and make a total of five stops along the way, 20 times a day.

At a cost of $150,000, the shuttle was launched with the help of the Waterfront BIA, Ontario Place, and their sponsors.

“The reason we love this is that we have for years, [tried] to figure out great ways to get people to come to Ontario Place and we hope that this is just the beginning,” said John Tevlin, general manager of Ontario Place, at the opening.

“We hope you’ll come by bicycle, you’ll walk, and maybe one day we’ll figure out how to get you here by boat as well.”

According to Carol Jolly, executive director of Waterfront BIA, the baby-blue shuttle bus is projected to move about 42,000 people by Thanksgiving and replace 250 cars per day.

At the ribbon cutting event on May 18, Jolly said Waterfront BIA has intentions to expand the service, but the first six-month season will be limited to a single bus.

The free shuttle bus is one of the many attractions that will be available at Toronto’s Waterfront for Victoria Day. While Jack Sparrow sails the Black Pearl into Cineplex’s harbour on Friday, more pirates will set anchor at Queen’s Quay Terminal to regale the crowd with tricks and pirate jargon.

Families can take their kids to get a free face paint, temporary pirate tattoos, and pirate props. Expect to stumble on roaming pirates with flying cannon balls, dog tricks, and clowns. The forecast sunshine for the long weekend should make the waterfront a perfect place to enjoy the entertainment and the fireworks.

Queen’s Quay Terminal Pirate Stage Schedule for Victoria Day:

12:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:15 p.m.
Acrobatic tricks by Ship Shape Showman Long Jon Strong

12:30, 2:30, 3:30 p.m.
PawsWay Dog Trick Demos

12:45, 2:00, 3:45 p.m.
Magic tricks by Zoltan the Adequate Pirate

Other Activities:
12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
PawsWay Pet Carnival

10:00 am – 6:00 p.m.
Museum of Inuit Art - Free Admission

10:00 am – 5:00 p.m.
Zero Gravity Circus @ Harbourfront Centre