Quitting the CCP Campaign Offers a Lifeline

An LA rally was held to honor 44 million Chinese who quit the communist party.
Quitting the CCP Campaign Offers a Lifeline
Ms. Sheng Xue, Vice President of the Federation for a Democratic China speaks in a rally for Quitting the CCP in Los Angeles (Photo by Ji Yuan/Epoch Times)
Sheng Xue
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/RallyLA81017003256815--ss.jpg" alt="Ms. Sheng Xue, Vice President of the Federation for a Democratic China speaks in a rally for Quitting the CCP in Los Angeles (Photo by Ji Yuan/Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Sheng Xue, Vice President of the Federation for a Democratic China speaks in a rally for Quitting the CCP in Los Angeles (Photo by Ji Yuan/Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1833318"/></a>
Ms. Sheng Xue, Vice President of the Federation for a Democratic China speaks in a rally for Quitting the CCP in Los Angeles (Photo by Ji Yuan/Epoch Times)

About 200 Chinese democracy activists rallied in front of Los Angeles City Hall on October 12 to support 44 million Chinese who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. The theme of the rally is “A New China Can Only be Made Possible Without the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

The following is based on the recorded speech of Ms. Sheng Xue, Vice President of the Federation for a Democratic China, at the rally:

Thank you everybody! As a matter of fact, I have participated in an event like this many times before. I have always wanted to emphasize a very simple truth: “Why do we quit the CCP? Why do we spurn the CCP?”

Ask yourself. Say you are a father whose children were buried alive under the rubble of collapsed school buildings during the recent Sichuan earthquake, and later you realized that the buildings collapsed because they were constructed at low cost and low quality, which the Chinese refer to it as “Tofu Waste Projects.” Ask yourself, why was this your fate?

Or, perhaps you are a mother of a baby sickened from consuming tainted baby formula. When you took your baby to a hospital, waiting in line to seek medical treatment, and to get blood tests, only to find out that your baby had developed kidney stones. Imagine your despair and your pain. Ask yourself, what can you do at a time like this?

Or let’s look further back. Perhaps you were one of the victims who was forcefully evicted and violently removed from your home because of the government’s demolition projects, and we are aware that this is happening every minute of every day in China. We can randomly search the Internet and we will find pictures or video clips of this. We can even see the whole violent process. If you still have a human heart, try to feel the despair and innocence those people felt. Try to imagine what it is like when you found that heaven and earth did not respond to you when you cried out loud for help.

Or perhaps you were a Chinese with a little bit of independent thinking and motivated, and you wished to fight for Chinese people’s human rights and democracy. Yet, you were wrongly accused and put in jail. Or perhaps you were his wife or his children who were not allowed to go to school. I can give you hundreds of thousands of examples like this. Just ask yourself, what then can you do under these circumstances?

Ask ourselves, what has the CCP given us in its close to 60 years of rule? It has given us suffering, humiliation, hunger, and endless darkness. On the other hand, it has taken away our freedom, the most fundamental things for a human being, our dignity, our right to think, our right to take action, our right to choose a place to live, and for many years, it had even taken away our rights to marry and have children.

Today as we live in an environment like this, we must ask ourselves, do we still live like human beings? The thing is, 1.3 billion Chinese have been living like this and have been enduring it for many years. Chinese people feel hopeless under the rule of a brutal totalitarian regime, because as soon as you try to fight back, you yourself will be persecuted, thrown into jail, and beaten to death. When things like this keep happening again and again, many people tell themselves, “Just accept it. What else can I do?”

Nevertheless, can accepting it prevent us from suffering like this again? No! Falun Gong practitioners practice truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, yet they have been brutally persecuted. I often think that perhaps this is heaven’s will that Falun Gong practitioners have emerged at a time when it is so evil and so dark. They have started to break through this darkness and control. They have finally come out with the slogans of “Quit the CCP” and “Spurn the CCP.” I think this is in fact the beginning of a new life for the entire Chinese society.

Today’s Chinese society is full of widespread indignation and discontent. Everything we are doing today is like throwing a lifeline to Chinese people so as to give them a hope to stay alive while living in desperation. Consequently, for every one of you who is part of this movement—everything you do, every sentence you say, and every effort you make to awaken people, is all about saving people, and also about giving these people, this country, and this nation, a hope for a new life.

Accordingly, only by quitting the CCP, only by spurning the CCP, only by abandoning the CCP and bringing down the CCP, can Chinese society have hope. Every one of us who is here today is part of this magnificent movement. Everything we do can speed up this process. Thank you everyone.

Read original Chinese article