Former Super Bowl Champion Dies at 42

Former Super Bowl Champion Dies at 42
Epoch Newsroom

Nate Hobgood-Chittick, who played for the St. Louis Rams when they won a Super Bowl, died Saturday night. He was 42.

According to, Hobgood-Chittick, a defensive lineman, suffered a massive heart attack Saturday, Nov. 12, which led to his death.

He played for the St. Louis Rams, the Kansas City Chiefs, and the San Francisco 49ers. He attended William Allen High School in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and later played college football for the University of North Carolina.

Former coach Dick Vermeil, who was the Rams coach during the Super Bowl season, told MCall that Hobgood-Chittick “worked his way to being a part of that team. ... He was a great guy to have on that team.”

Hobgood-Chittick had been living in California and working as a financial adviser before his death.

A GoFundMe page was set up to fund “philanthropic work closest to Nate’s heart.”

“Nate’s love for his family, friends and community knew no bounds and was felt by everyone he touched...and there were too many to count. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to this page and will be used to fund the philanthropic work closest to Nate’s heart,” it says.