Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg Calls Trump a Hypocrite and a Con

Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg Calls Trump a Hypocrite and a Con
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg delivers remarks on the third day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center, July 27, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

“Throughout her time in the Senate, we didn’t always agree—but she always listened. And that’s the kind of approach we need in Washington today, and it just has to start in the White House.”

Rather than a raving endorsement, Bloomberg made it clear that voting for Clinton is considered more of a vote against Trump.

“There are times when I disagree with Hillary. But whatever our disagreements may be, I’ve come here to say: We must put them aside for the good of our country. And we must unite around the candidate who can defeat a dangerous demagogue,” he said.

‘God Help Us’

Bloomberg strongly attacked the real estate mogul, saying that unlike Trump, he did not launch his business with a million-dollar loan from his father.

The former mayor says he has often encouraged business leaders to run for office—but that doesn’t include Trump.

“Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry shareholders, and contractors who feel cheated, and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off. Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business? God help us!” 

‘A Con’

Bloomberg blasted Trump, saying that he is a reckless and radical choice.

“I’m a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one,” said Bloomberg.