Five Early Autumn Gardening Projects

Summer is coming to a close, but the change of season still offers a wealth of gardening opportunities before winter sets in.
Five Early Autumn Gardening Projects
Autumn brings colorful leaves and several gardening opportunities. (Dan Istitene/Getty Image).

Summer is coming to a close, but the change of season still offers a wealth of gardening opportunities before winter sets in.

1. Grass Seeding

One of the best times to plant grass is after summer. The last week of August to the first week October takes advantage of cooler temperatures and abundant moisture. Be careful not to push it too far toward the end of the season as frost formation could be detrimental, and the new grasslings may not be strong enough to survive the winter.

2. Fall Flower Bulbs

Here’s a tip courtesy of plant tulips and hyacinths during the fall. Buy bulbs now and store them in your refrigerator’s vegetable bin for six to eight weeks before planting to ensure a proper chill time and a bounty of blossoms.

3. Autumn Perennials

Perennials planted now will not only give you beautiful blooms this year, but for many falls to come—assuming this winter isn’t too ravenous. Some bright, fall perennials include the Sheffield Pink, Single Apricot Korean, Purple Dome, September Ruby, Harrington Pink, and others.

4. Fire Pit

Crisp autumn evenings welcome the smell and warmth of a backyard fire. Several online tutorials make for easy and affordable fire pits that are both inviting and eye-catching. This Old House has some great tips for building an appealing fire pit that only takes about a weekend of dedication to build.

5. Turn Leaves into Compost

Raking and bagging aren’t the only options for leaf disposal. You can save yourself some time, money, and energy by separating your leaves into mulch and compost. Transforming leaves does take some patience, but the advantages include a healthy supply of soil nutrients, mulch barriers to protect your soil from the heat and cold, as well as an environmentally friendly way to get rid of your leaves. Find a composting bin, available at most hardware stores, and an online guide to help get you started.