Female Truck Driver Warns About ‘Lethally Dangerous’ Loads. Her Message Catches On

Female Truck Driver Warns About ‘Lethally Dangerous’ Loads. Her Message Catches On
Bob Weyand, an employee of the South Jersey Port Corporation, checks the shipping label on coils of steel imported from France. Tom Mihalek/AFP/Getty Images
Jane Werrell

A truck driver who took to Facebook to voice the dangers of hauling large loads didn’t expect her warning message to go viral.

Daisy Delaney, a truck driver from Wyoming explains in her post why motorists need to give some room to trucks that are hauling metal coils. Some coils can weigh around 45,000 pounds or more, she said.

“We’re forced to either commit suicide or take out whatever is in front of us that just forced us to slam on our brakes… that would be you…” she warns in the message.

She continues, “It’s not a comfortable ultimatum and one we ask you not to ask us to choose….”

Most of the truck driver’s posts have less than 100 reactions and shares, but this message has racked up almost 2,000 reactions, more than 800 comments and over 10,000 shares as of Feb. 9.

She starts the post with the words: “This is a coil… it’s considered one of a truck drivers most lethally dangerous loads….”

Delaney said most of the time the coils are covered with waterproof material, so the coil appears as a “big covered lump in the middle of our trailers” that look like hay bales in a row.

She urges motorists to give drivers hauling such loads some room.

“We can’t turn sharp corners Bc they can tip us over, and we certainly can’t slam on our brakes…” she wrote.

“We leave a big pocket of space in front, btwn our front end and your loved ones Bc a lot of coils weigh 45,000+ pounds and we need a lot to stop..

“These are only held down by chains… and enough stopping inertia can snap those chains….”

She added that many people don’t know the risk of the loads, and slamming down their breaks takes a “different thought process.”

The truck driver ends her message with “Feel free to share this and let’s educate our highways #TheMoreYouKnow”
The heavy coils have been culprits for fatal crashes on the highway, including a crash in Indiana in March, in which a semi truck driver hauling a 50,000-pound steel coil veered right, but couldn’t avoid a car that was sliding towards him, the Times of Northwest Indiana reported. The car driver and two passengers were killed on impact.

Many of the comments on Delaney’s post were grateful for the truck driver’s warning message.

Donnetta Shelton said, “Thank you for giving us even more information to keep alive on the road!”
“Big trucks just cant stop and all motorist need to be educated on this !!!” Jim Corman commented.
Some truck drivers commented on the post, with Richard Gray writing “Bothers me every time I haul one”
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Jane Werrell
Jane Werrell
NTD News International Correspondent and Anchor
Jane Werrell is an international correspondent and anchor for NTD News based in London. Jane is a part-time anchor for "NTD UK News."