Fellow Diners Say Family of Child Ruined ‘Their Dinner,’ Send Nasty Note

Fellow Diners Say Family of Child Ruined ‘Their Dinner,’ Send Nasty Note
Epoch Newsroom

Katie Leach was enjoying dinner with her family when a woman came over and slammed a note on the table.

(Katie Leach)
Katie Leach

The diner sarcastically thanks the family for “ruining” the woman and her companion’s dinner with “your screaming kid!”

Leach says her 10-month-old son likes to yell, and she’s trying to teach him to be quieter.

“He will yell when I tell him no, when he’s super excited and happy or just for no reason at all,” Leach wrote on Facebook. “I’m doing my best to teach him indoor voice and to not yell back at me when telling him no etc (sic).”

She went over to talk to the women, who were in their 50s to early 60s. Leach explained her son is young and still learning, but the women said their grandchildren never behave like that.

Leach then went to the manager of the Texas Roadhouse, who apologized. The manager went to the women and told them to be quiet, and then paid for Leach’s meal and told her she and her family are welcome at any time.

“We’re in the hospitality business. We want all our guests to have a great experience,” Travis Doster, a spokesman for Texas Roadhouse, told KTVB.

“We were voted one of the loudest restaurants by Consumer Reports. We are proud to be loud. If you want to hear clinking wine glasses and clinking forks, then this probably isn’t the place for you.”

People had different opinions on what happened.

“If your kid continues to scream...I’m sorry but take them out....it’s not fair to the other diners trying to relax and unwind from a long day spending good money out to dinner to listen to a screaming child,” commented one.

“Seriously? If you people read the article, the kid was not throwing a fit or being grumpy. He was a 10-month-old yelling happily because he was excited. If that bothers you, especially in a Texas Roadhouse, you should keep your sensitive self at home,” added another.

“You cannot expect children to be seen but not heard. He is a baby. I can see if he was crying or grumpy, but no way should they leave for him being happy and loud. Get over yourselves.”