FDIC Closes Four More Banks

Regulators last Friday shut down four more U.S. banks, increasing the number of failed banks in the US to 90 this year.
FDIC Closes Four More Banks

Regulators last Friday shut down four more U.S. banks, increasing the number of failed banks in the United States to 90 this year. The affected banks include Bay National Bank and Ideal Federal Savings Bank, both based in Baltimore, Maryland, Home National Bank of Blackwell, Oklahoma, and USA Bank based in Port Chester, N.Y.

Home National Bank was the largest bank to fail last week, with $645 million in assets, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which took over all four banks and subsequently sold them. As of the end of last quarter, the FDIC named 775 banks with $431 billion on its list of problematic banks in the United States at the risk of failure.