FBI Questions Hog Farmer Again About Missing Mollie Tibbetts

FBI Questions Hog Farmer Again About Missing Mollie Tibbetts
Zachary Stieber
The FBI returned to a pig farm in Brooklyn, Iowa, on Aug. 3 in the ongoing search for missing college student Mollie Tibbetts.

Tibbetts, 20, vanished on July 18.

An FBI agent was seen speaking to pig farmer Wayne Cheney for five to 10 minutes on Aug. 3, reported Fox News.
It’s the second time the FBI has visited the farm searching for clues regarding Tibbett’s disappearance.

FBI Plans Return

Cheney told Fox News that he refused to take a polygraph test and indicated that FBI agents planned to return to his farm on Sunday.

He said the agents were welcome to search his whole property, noting they had already searched part of the property, his home, and his cellphone.

Cheney said he has never seen Tibbetts before and said he doesn’t really travel outside his property often.

Cheney said of Tibbetts he had “no idea who she was” and said he suspects “some guy has her.”

The farmer told WHO-TV that he was taken to the fire station on July 31 and questioned, but he doesn’t remember what investigators asked him.
“I don’t know who those two were but they took me down to the fire station Tuesday and questioned me for two hours.” Cheney said, “I don’t remember what they asked me.”

Stalking Charges; Doors Unlocked

Court documents show that Cheney has pleaded guilty on two occasions of stalking—once in Poweshiek County, where he currently lives, in 2009, and once in Marion County in 2014.
Tibbetts was scheduled to travel with her boyfriend, Dalton Jack, to the Dominican Republic in early August for Jack’s brother’s wedding but that event has been canceled amid the search for the missing student.

She was last seen on July 18 around 7:30 p.m. when she went out for a routine jog, wearing dark shorts, a pink sports bra, and running shoes.

Jack received a Snapchat message from her around 10 p.m. that day; she was dogsitting for him at his house, while he was about 100 miles away working on a construction site. Authorities haven’t disclosed whether digital forensics have revealed the time she sent the Snapchat, but family members said that computer records indicate Tibbetts was indeed back at the house after the run before she vanished.

Jack told Fox News recently that the doors of his house were unlocked because people often leave them unlocked in rural communities.

“It’s Brooklyn. You don’t lock your doors,” he said. “We lock our doors now. Every night.”

Family Believes She’s Alive

Family members echoed the sentiment by farmer Cheney that Tibbetts was likely abducted, and pleaded with whoever took her to release her.
“We believe that Mollie is still alive, and if someone has abducted her, we are pleading with you to please release her,” said Tibbetts’s mother, Laura Calderwood, on Aug. 9, during a press conference that announced the raising of the reward to $172,000.
She stressed that anyone who has information about her daughter can come forward anonymously and hinted any kidnapper or kidnappers wouldn’t be charged, reported WC-TV.

“It is our greatest hope that if someone has her that they would just release her and claim that money that we have raised for her freedom,” Calderwood said.

Greg Willey, for Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa, which is partnering with the family, said his group assists in solving crimes with anonymous tips.

Anyone with information was encouraged to call Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa at 1-800-452-1111 or visit www.crimestoppersofcentraliowa.com, where tips can be anonymously submitted.

From NTD.tv
Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]