Faulting No-Fault Divorce Laws

The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada released a report on Wednesday taking aim at no-fault divorce laws.
Faulting No-Fault Divorce Laws

The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada released a report on Wednesday taking aim at no-fault divorce laws.

The institute, a pro-marriage research and advocacy group, argues no-fault divorce laws allow unilateral divorces without any cause given. Because of the law, the report says there have been more divorces and increased poverty.

When a city councillor in Mexico City recently proposed temporary marriage licenses, a range of reactions from appreciation to disbelief ensued. While this idea may be a source of controversy, the reality is that Canadian law actually values marriage as a short-term prospect through no-fault divorce, the report says.

“Under current Canadian law, one person in a couple can decide to get a divorce for any reason or no reason at all two weeks, two months, or two years into their marriage. One party can unilaterally initiate divorce simply by moving out,” reads a statement from the group.

“Research shows that when unhappily married couples manage to avoid divorce they are happily married five years later; those who divorce are no happier than those who stayed married.”