Father Quits Communist Party to Express Sorrow After Losing Beloved Son

Father Quits Communist Party to Express Sorrow After Losing Beloved Son
A nurse administers a drip to flu patients at a hospital in Beijing. STR/AFP/Getty Images

CHINA—On October 23, Mr. Zhang, a merchant from Wuxi city, Jiangsu province called the Quit the CCP hotline. Several days ago, his 16-year-old son died one hour after an intravenous drip treatment was used when Mr. Zhang brought him to a hospital for treatment of the common cold. Zhang berated the hospital and the related departments for refusing to provide the cause of his son’s death. The local media also refused to report the incident. This gave Zhang no other avenue to express his sorrow and anger, so he dialed the overseas Quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Service Center hotline to tell his story.

Father Declared Withdrawal for His Son

Mr. Zhang stated he was not a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Yet he was able to declare his withdrawal from the CCP’s Communist Youth League and declared for his deceased son his withdrawal from the Young Pioneer Team. Zhang also left his telephone number and email address hoping the Quit the CCP Service Center volunteers would report his tragedy to the overseas media.

“The Child Was Gone Within an Hour”

The Epoch Times reporter called Zhang on October 24 for an interview. Below is the transcript of the events leading up to the death of his son.

Zhang said, “On October 16 at the local time 6 a.m., my 16-year-old son had a fever from a common cold and I took him to the best local hospital, the Wuxi City First People’s hospital. There was only Dr. Pu and a nurse at the emergency room. The doctor did not say anything after the examination, he just administered intravenous drops to my son (I thought it was saline solution). The doctor and the nurse left right away. In 15 minutes, I found my son in a state of unconsciousness, and I called Dr. Pu and the nurse right away. The doctor did some acupuncture massage, and the child came back to consciousness again with the doctor and nurse leaving again.

“But after another 15 minutes, my son once again lost consciousness, so the doctor and the nurse did the same kind of massage to make my child conscious, and they left again. It was around 7 a.m. when the child was in a stupor for the third time. The doctor and the nurse realized the situation was not going well and they immediately filled out a critically ill written notice and forced me to sign. They said only after I signed then they could they begin the emergency rescue. In order to save my child, I had no choice but to sign the notice. Yet my child was not saved but pronounced dead shortly after.”

Zhang told our reporter that he clearly remembered the first two times the child was in a stupor, Dr. Pu and the nurse only chose massage to bring the child back to consciousness without any other means. However, when the child was in a stupor for the third time, the doctor did not notify the chief physician for help, there were only Dr. Pu, the nurse, and the entire emergency rescue room.

Mr. Zhang said, “The child was gone in merely an hour! And, I still have not obtained any explanation from the hospital about the cause of death.”

Family Suspects the Hospital Used Wrong Medicine

Zhang also told the Quit the CCP center volunteer worker that he suspected the hospital might have used the wrong medicine, so he asked the emergency room doctor to seal the medicine bottle used for further investigation, but later he noticed the bottle was swapped.

Looking for answers that day, Zhang visited several department heads of Wuxi City First People’s Hospital, but they all shifted the responsibility and ignored him. Zhang also told the Quit the CCP hotline volunteer that by 5 p.m. that day about 300 of his relatives, colleagues, and friends brought over 100 wreaths to the hospital to mourn his child’s death.

All requested the hospital staff to explain the cause of the child’s death. The hospital head then summoned a large number of armed police to monitor the family. Mr. Zhang discovered some plainclothes people amongst his family and friends. He witnessed them intentionally creating disturbances, in an attempt to provide the armed police with excuses to suppress his family and friends. In order to expose the plainclothes agitators he asked all relatives and friends to keep calm and to stay at where they were. Those who were not family and friends then easily stood out and appeared awkward after they were exposed.

He Xiaoqing
He Xiaoqing