Fashion Model Review -- Sabrina Pellunat

Fashion Model Review -- Sabrina Pellunat
Sabrina Pellunat's Photoshoot (Sabrina Olivia)
Nicole Mordeno-Kenneally

Another fashion model I’ve met during the Step Up -- Modeling for a Cause fashion event was Sabrina Olivia Pellunat. I couldn’t believe how dedicated she was in making the event happen even though it was a charity event. I remember meeting her for the first time at Lexington Hotel with her adorable mom. She was patiently waiting for me, and I had no idea it was her. I just kept staring at her, and I said to myself, this girl is so cute (LOL).  Just like fashion model Anna Vega, Sabrina is also an epitome of a very approachable and down to earth model. Aside from modeling, Sabrina has been very active in musical plays and commercials. She appeared in a Duracell commercial back in 2013. She is currently filming a movie called The Orchard Beach. I was very fortunate to have been given a chance to speak with Sabrina to get to know her better.

Nicole: How did you start modeling?

Sabrina: I started modeling by volunteering in fashion shows to gain significant experience. This led to printing jobs, a Duracell commercial, and several music videos.

Nicole: Who inspired you to become a fashion model?

Sabrina: I guess you can say it was when I saw my first Victoria Secret Fashion Show. It seemed so exciting and I wanted to start modeling.

Nicole: What does your career do for you?

Sabrina: My career allows me to express myself and get my foot in the door to pursue my other passions such as acting and singing.

Nicole: What’s your most memorable shoot?

Sabrina: My most memorable shoot was when I got chosen to do a commercial for Duracell battery.

Nicole: What’s the biggest highlight of your career to date? Why was it a highlight?

Sabrina: The biggest highlight of my career is the numerous opportunities I’ve received through modeling, the great people I’ve met along the way and the fact that I was able to continue my acting ambitions which began this summer as a lead in a movie. I’m really looking forward to that and I have several other acting projects coming as well.

Nicole: What’s your biggest career mistake to date? What did you learn from this mistake?

Sabrina: I grow from every opportunity presented to me and given to me. It has been a good ride so far.

Nicole: How would you describe your personality and working style?

Sabrina: My personality is very easy-going and I get along and work well with everyone.

Nicole: Did you ever imagine that you will go this far?

Sabrina: No, I thought it would take longer . I’ve been blessed. I can’t complain at all.

Nicole: What are your future plans for your career (5 or 10 years from now)?

Sabrina: My future plans would be that the movie I am in, would be a hit, and my name will be known as a great actress/model and singer. I would also like to be a Victoria Secret’s Model one day.

Nicole: Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Sabrina: It takes time and dedication but if you continue to work hard you can achieve anything.

For more information on how to book/contact Sabrina Pellunat, please check out this link.










Nicole Mordeno-Kenneally is a Filipina living in New York. She is the owner of, an online language learning website which connects tutors to students all over the world. She has a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of the Philippines and a master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix.
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