FARC Accused of Attack After Ceasefire

Colombia’s FARC admitted on Monday it blew up two electricity towers.
FARC Accused of Attack After Ceasefire
Colombian soldiers are seen before leaving for the mountains in Caloto, Cauca department, Colombia, on July 21, during combat with FARC guerrillas. Luis Robayo/AFP/GettyImages
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Colombian Marxist rebels who recently agreed to a unilateral ceasefire with the government admitted on Monday that they blew up two electricity towers in the northeastern part of Colombia.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, said that by accident, it blew up two pylons last week during the ceasefire, according to Colombia Reports, citing local Colombian media.

During the time of the attack, “the order to ceasefire did not reach the guerrilla unit involved in these actions,” the rebel group claimed.

The two electricity towers were destroyed on Nov. 20, less than a day after FARC announced that it would partake in a ceasefire until Jan. 20. The guerilla group is holding peace talks with the Colombian government in Havana, Cuba.

Colombian Minister of Defense Juan Carlos Pinzon has said, however, that the government would not adhere to the FARC ceasefire.

“There was not enough media coverage of the FARC spokespeople ordering the ceasefire, so that all guerrilla units could have heard it,” reads a statement from FARC’s 36th Front, reported the BBC.

Last week, FARC was also accused of luring Colombian soldiers into a minefield that was later detonated, but caused no injuries or deaths, according to Colombia Reports. FARC also denied those claims.

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