Facebook Porn Malware Infects More Than 110,000 Users With Trojan

A porn video with users tagged in the comments has been circulating Facebook. Once infected, the video will be posted to that users account and tag their friends.
Facebook Porn Malware Infects More Than 110,000 Users With Trojan

A trojan posing as a porn video has been infecting users computers and then ’tagging' them in a Facebook post which links to an adult video clip.

After the clip plays for a short period of time, the video pauses and asks the user to install a trojan disguised as a flash player. If the user is foolish enough to infect his computer with “chromium.exe,” the malware will then have the ability to hijack keyboard and mouse movement according to Mohammad Reza Faghani at seclists.org 

The malware has infected over 110,000 users.

Facebook told threatpost.com:

“We use a number of automated systems to identify potentially harmful links and stop them from spreading. In this case, we’re aware of these malware varieties, which are typically hosted as browser extensions and distributed using links on social media sites. We are blocking links to these scams, offering cleanup options, and pursuing additional measures to ensure that people continue to have a safe experience on Facebook.”