Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About China | China Uncensored

Chris Chappell of China Uncensored answers questions about China on a variety of topics—from the dense haze that covers parts of the country to fascinating events in Chinese history.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About China | China Uncensored

Chris Chappell of China Uncensored answers questions about China on a variety of topics—from the dense haze that covers parts of the country to fascinating events in Chinese history.

Did you know that outdoor barbeques were banned, as they were blamed for the haze? Did you know that during the same time as the American Civil War, a war was raging in China under the guidance of a man who thought he was the younger brother of Jesus? Did you know the only Churches in China must be established and controlled by the atheist communist party?

Chappell says he likes creating jobs for the 50-Cent Party—the Chinese regime’s paid Internet commentators. They are described by New Statesman as “China’s paid trolls,” and by Radio Free Asia as “Internet propagandists who are paid to manipulate public opinion by posting and retweeting comments favorable to the ruling Chinese Communist Party.” The name came from the 50 cents the regime is said to pay per comment.

For more on the 50-Cent Party, read Epoch Times article Chinese TV News Reveals Regime’s Internet Commentator Training.

To ask Chappell questions about China, leave your questions in the comments section of the China Uncensored YouTube posting, linked here

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