EV Cup: Electric Racing Is Here

EV Cup is the world’s first “green” auto racing series, using electric cars on real race tracks.
EV Cup: Electric Racing Is Here
EV Cup is the world's first electric car racing series, held on real race tracks, where going fastest is what matters. Courtesy EV Cup
Chris Jasurek

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EV Cup is the world's first electric car racing series, held on real race tracks, where going fastest is what matters. (Courtesy EV Cup)
Race fans with green tinge have long had to sacrifice one love for another: either embrace environmentalism and denounce the purely resource-wasting auto racing world, or enjoy the sport and accept that it burned through fuel, tires, and other resources for the sake of entertainment.

EV Cup solves the dilemma.

EV Cup is the world’s first racing series using zero-emissions vehicles on real race tracks. This is a proper racing series, where fans can watch cars trying to be fastest and first across the line. Unlike many eco-race events where the focus is on going farthest while using the least, EV Cup is about going fastest.

EV Cup is also about proving that sustainable, eco-friendly motorsport is not a contradiction in terms.

“Green motor sport is a reality,” says EV Cup Director Sylvain Filippi on the series’ website.

“The electric car is already changing the world and soon will begin to revolutionize the face of traditional motor-sport across the world by embracing the issues of the day, from straightforward zero emissions, to eco-friendly cars, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.”

Because EV Cup offers the excitement of racing along with the appeal of zero emissions, Filippi feels the series will attract the attention of automakers, just as fossil-fueled racing does.

“We believe the commercial world will take notice when they begin to recognize a new opportunity to partner with a new and exciting sporting event like the EV Cup and add significantly to their sustainability credentials,” Filippi said.

“We are creating an opportunity for the EV manufacturers and suppliers to promote their technologies in a new and exciting way.”

[youtube]C5e-BRdBavg[/youtube]Besides being the world’s first all-electric race series, EV Cup is the first eco-racing project to consider the commercial aspects of the sport, and how to use those aspects for the good of the series and the environment.

“The EV Cup is a ground-breaking concept that creates unique marketing and sponsorship opportunities for major brand advertisers, through social responsibility programs and other marketing initiatives,” said Peter Kenyon of CAA Sports, EV Cup’s promotional partner.

“We look forward to utilizing our resources across the globe in sports and entertainment to help build the EV Cup into a premier racing series and valuable advertising platform.”

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The Think City racer in action at England's famous Brands Hatch circuit. (Courtesy EV Cup)
By combining racing’s popularity of with zero-emissions technology into a commercially-promotable package, EV cup hopes to encourage the auto industry to increase investment in environmentally friendly vehicles and production practices. EV Cup offers manufacturers a platform for promoting their “green” programs in a more exciting package.

Former Formula One British champion Damon Hill supports the EV Cup. “Racing electric vehicles should convince the wider public of their potential,” he said in an EV Cup press release.

“Racing was initially used to develop and prove a new product called the motor car. I see no reason why electric vehicle development will not benefit in the same way. Who knows what is ultimately possible?”

Seven Races, Three Classes

EV Cup is starting its first race season in 2011, with an event at the famous Silverstone Circuit on Aug. 6. Three more races in England are confirmed at Snetterton, Rockingham, and Brands Hatch, followed by rounds planned for Spain, Portugal, and possibly a race in the United States.

EV Cup events will feature racing in three classes: City EV class, Sports EV, and the unlimited Protoype EV class. City EV and Sports EV are single-make classes featuring head-to-head action, while the Prototype EV class will showcase one-offs and experimental vehicles competing against the clock.

Next: the Three Classes

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A race-prepped THINK City electric car (Courtesy EV Cup)
The City EV class will race competition-prepared THINK City electric cars. THINK has been producing electric cars since 1999. Its City is the first electric car to meet the EU’s CE and EU homologation safety standards. A four-passenger urban car, the City is produced with a maximum of recyclable materials and a minimum of environmental impact.

The City EV class demonstrates that practical, environmentally friendly street cars can be exciting. Spectators

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The Westfield iRacer (Courtesy EV Cup)
Sports EV is a class for the purpose-built Westfield iRACER, a high-performance, twin-engine single-seat race car designed specifically for the series. Westfield has been building competition cars since 1983, and all those years of experience make the iRacer a seriously fast, emissions-free vehicle.

With 260 bhp and a center of gravity lower than an F1 car, the iRacer can get through corners with alacrity, and with the instant torque of electric power, exit rapidly too.

The Sports EV class recently attracted one very serious competitor: Drayson Racing, a winning American Le Mans Series team, has opted to campaign an iRacer in 2011.

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/MSVRMediaDayLordDraysonWeb_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/MSVRMediaDayLordDraysonWeb_medium.jpg" alt="Racer and former UK science minister Lord Paul Drayson is bringing his ALMS driver lineup to compete in the EV Cup EV Sports class. (Courtesy EV Cup)" title="Racer and former UK science minister Lord Paul Drayson is bringing his ALMS driver lineup to compete in the EV Cup EV Sports class. (Courtesy EV Cup)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-121363"/></a>
Racer and former UK science minister Lord Paul Drayson is bringing his ALMS driver lineup to compete in the EV Cup EV Sports class. (Courtesy EV Cup)
Team owner Lord Paul Drayson, former UK science and innovation minister, has long championed green racing and using technology to aid the environment.

“The team at EV Cup have taken a bold step forward to create the world’s first electric racing series,” Lord Drayson told Autosport.com. “As one of the world’s leading green motorsport teams, we want to be a part of it and we want to win it.”

Prototype EV cars will not compete head-to-head against other cars. Instead, this class will give private constructors, experimenters, and auto manufacturers a place to demonstrate the performance of their electric-powered creations by turning timed laps on real racecourses.

There are very few regulations, and no size or weight rules in Prototype EV; this class is designed to stimulate innovation. Organizers hope that vehicles debuted in the EV Prototype class might eventually be used in a new class in the series.

Ready for Manufacturers

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The Westfield iRacer attracts attendees to the EV Cup pavilion at the Autosport International show, where the EV Cup series was publicly introduced. (Courtesy EV Cup)
From the beginning EV Cup planned to expand the number of classes as soon as the mainstream auto makers are ready. If Nissan wants to race its Leaf against Chevrolet’s Volt and Honda’s Fit EV, EV Cup will accommodate them.

With more major manufacturers offering electric vehicles, a racing series that melds this alternative power source with the excitement of racing is a natural next step. EV Cup offers auto makers a ready-built PR program.

“In marketing electric vehicles to the consumer there is no doubt they are environmentally friendly. EV Cup will provide the platform to demonstrate they are also highly reliable and have comparable performance with traditional ICE [internal combustion engine]-powered vehicles” EV Cup’s Operations Director, Andrew Lee explained.

“With this in mind, there is of course an important and healthy element of competition amongst manufacturers to find the best in breed. Ultimately this relates back to the roots of motor racing—win on Sunday, sell on Monday.”

Racing Improves the Breed

Automobile racing has always pushed automobile technology—race engineers never stop seeking ways to make their cars lighter, quicker, safer and faster.

The EV Cup extends those benefits to the electric car market. Whether making better urban commuter vehicles, or building high-performance electric sports cars, lighter batteries, more easily recyclable vehicles, faster rechargers—now there is a racing series which will push the envelope in all these areas.

While many other racing series have flirted with environmental friendliness, the EV Cup series is the first to specify zero-emissions electric-powered vehicles. To learn more visit evcup.com.