New European Parliament President Supports Human Rights in China

European Parliament Jerzy Buzek, expressed support for the Chinese people denouncing the Chinese Communist Party.
New European Parliament President Supports Human Rights in China
STRASBOURG—On his first day as President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, expressed his support for the Chinese people denouncing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In an interview, he said the campaign that encourages the Chinese people to renounce the CCP “is a good way.” The president had already announced in his inaugural speech that he would make human rights a high priority during his presidency.

In his past, Buzek joined the trade union Solidarity in Poland, trying to create democracy and freedom in a communist country. The president made a link between the first free election in Poland on June 4 1989 and—on exactly the same day—the “drama and tragedy on the Tiananmen Square [massacre].”

“We can never forget about human rights. This is the foundation of the European Union and Europe,” said Buzek.

A reporter from New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) asked the president about the human rights and freedom of media in China, to which the President expressed his appreciation of the independent Chinese media’s presence in the EU. He called NTDTV a “very good sign and signal for us, promoting hope.”

To show that he understands the importance of an independent media, he gave a personal story from his time in Solidarity. “When we were in Solidarity, underground, we were very active, and every day we could be arrested. But the sounds from the radio that were coming from the West, that [asserted] we were right, and right is on our side, was most important for us.”

With the Chinese people in mind he continued: “I think we should offer you absolutely the same.”

The president called his election a “tribute to the millions of people who didn’t bow to a hostile system.” With this he showed his respect for all people in eastern European countries who succeeded in establishing democracy and freedom replacing the former communist regime. In China, people still suffer under the biggest communist regime today.

When asked about his opinion of the peaceful movement in China where Chinese denounce the Communist Party and affiliated organizations, Buzek answered: “Is good way!”