Escalated Prevention Measure In Harbin

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A Harbin resident was blocked from returning home after going grocery shopping, because his pass wasn’t issued yet. In the end, he had to call his wife to come out to pick him up. - Man: I just went grocery shopping and now they won’t let me in. This is where I live but I can’t go in.

Man 2: Me too. They won’t let me in.

Man: What can we do? The pass is not ready. What else can we do?

Guard with red armband: You have been notified that you have to have a pass to enter the complex.

Man: I applied, but it’s not ready. Whose fault is that?

Guard with red armband: Listen, we have notified you for a week. Why didn’t you do it?

Man: I did but they haven’t got it done. What should I do? Tell me.

Guard with red armband: Can’t you notify your apartment manager?

Man: How can I do that now? I am here. I can’t even go in.

Guard with red armband: Can’t you get hold of your community manager?

Man: (talking to the recorder) I am outside my home, but they won’t let me in.

Man: (talking on the cell phone) Wife, come and pick me up. I am waiting by the supermarket. They won’t let me in. I can’t go home