Entrepreneur: Shen Yun Is Wonderful for the World

After seeing the performance, Mr. Huang praised Shen Yun’s revival of traditional Chinese culture. “If Shen Yun could be widely promoted, it would be wonderful for all the Chinese, as well as for all people, all over the world.”
Entrepreneur: Shen Yun Is Wonderful for the World
Taoyuan County Performance Center in Taiwan. The Epoch Times
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1768322" title="taoyuan" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/taoyuan.jpg" alt="" width="590" height="393"/></a>

TAOYUAN, Taiwan—Mr. Huang Sung-Ching, president of the Cafulan Chemical Company Ltd., was in attendance for Shen Yun Performing Art’s performance at the Taoyuan County Performance Center on the evening of March 29, 2013.

After seeing the show, Mr. Huang praised Shen Yun’s revival of traditional Chinese culture. “If Shen Yun could be widely promoted, it would be wonderful for all the Chinese, as well as for all people, all over the world,” he said.

This was Mr. Huang first time seeing a Shen Yun performance, and after the show he was ecstatic. “Very touching! It was really very touching,” he said. “In particular, the opening program almost overwhelmed me, as if the Buddha Fa (Law) was purifying my soul. Every one of Shen Yun’s programs is something that cannot be seen anywhere else. I feel every piece is impeccable.”

“There’s no authentic Chinese culture in mainland China anymore,” Mr. Huang explained with a sigh. “If Shen Yun could be performed in mainland China, I believe it would definitely do some good for the Chinese people. Shen Yun could then let the Chinese experience Chinese traditions again, and it would help them restore their memory.”

Shen Yun’s website explains that traditional Chinese culture “refers to the belief that the divine, through various dynasties, transmitted a rich and abundant culture to the Chinese people.” Mr. Huang said that he could sense just that through the show and he added that Shen Yun, in fact, represents true Chinese culture.

“I think this is something truly belonging to Chinese people, as opposed to what have been polluted by evil specters,” he said. “Unlike what’s in mainland China, this is authentic Chinese culture”

Mr. Huang concluded that he hopes one day more Chinese people take the opportunity of going overseas to see a Shen Yun performance. “Shen Yun’s touring the world can make human minds more compassionate and peaceful,” he said.

‘A delight for the eyes!’

The evening of Mar 31 carried with it the 7th and final performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company at the Taoyuan County Performing Arts Center. Among the audience members was Chen Guangyu, president of Jintong Engineering Co., Ltd., who praised Shen Yun as an elaborately-produced feast for the soul.

It was Mr. Chen’s first time seeing a Shen Yun performance. “A delight for the eyes!” he said. “It’s a feast for both the eyes and ears—very refreshing.”

As for Shen Yun’s costumes, he was impressed with the delicate mix of seemingly contrasting colors. “Wow! The fusion of the costume’s colors expresses elegance, un-wordly beauty, and refreshment.”

Dance, in combination with the music and backdrop scenes, brought Mr. Chen a pleasant surprise bordering amazement. “The orchestral performance, the dances, the costumes in gorgeous colors, the amazingly intricate backdrop scenes, the reality fusing with virtual reality—How could this be achieved?” he pondered aloud. “I have been wondering about it! This must be a production of high quality efforts and strict rehersals!”

Apart from enjoying the incredible feast of arts, Mr. Chen was also impressed that the performance aimed to foster the kindness of human nature and to remind people to find the origin and meaning of life.

“The Shen Yun performance is a feast for the soul—an outlet,” he said. “In a materialistic society, a judgement is made based on material success or money. In fact, there should be a balance, an outlet to express our feelings, and something on which we can rest our hopes.”

Adding: “Modern men have been turned into tools to make money, and now money is used to evaluate a person.

Read the original Chinese article.[1]

Read the original Chinese article.[2]

Reporting by Chung Yuantai and Billy Xu, Huang Caiwen and Amy Lien

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org

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