Maui Residents Plagued by Wildfires Ask for Help From Billionaire Residents and Others

Maui Residents Plagued by Wildfires Ask for Help From Billionaire Residents and Others
A person sits in the back of a pickup truck after picking up donations outside of a shelter at War Memorial Stadium in the aftermath of wildfires in western Maui in Wailuku, Hawaii, on Aug. 10, 2023. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)
Carly Mayberry
As the Maui wildfires continue to burn, with many of Lahaina’s historic landmarks now lost, local Hawaiians have called upon for more help as some of the island’s billionaire residents remain silent. Various video clips online show frustrated residents expressing the need for greater assistance.
That’s as angry survivors of the deadly fire are questioning why Hawaii’s famous emergency warning system didn’t alert them as flames approached their homes, according to a Daily Mail story.

Hawaii possesses what the state describes as the largest integrated outdoor all-hazard public safety warning system in the world, with about 400 sirens positioned across the island chain. Yet, residents found themselves escaping the inferno on foot, with some recounting how it took as little as five to 10 minutes for them to find themselves in a desperate situation.

What’s more, Hawaii emergency management records show no indication that the warning sirens were triggered before the wildfire wiped out the town and killed 53 people, as confirmed by officials Thursday. Many of Lahaina’s survivors said they didn’t hear any sirens and only realized they were in danger when they saw flames or heard nearby explosions.

As of early Friday, the official death toll from the wildfires on Hawaii’s Maui Island has risen to 55.

Famous and Wealthy Maui Residents Acknowledge Devastation

Some of the islands famous and well-off residents have made statements over social media.
Lauren Sanchez, the fiancée of Jeff Bezos, who owns a $78 million property on Maui, issued a statement on her social media in which she called the tragedy “heartbreaking” while thanking people for helping out in the recovery efforts.

“The tragedy unfolding in Maui is beyond heartbreaking. Jeff and I have been on the phone with local residents and officials, and will be making donations to help. Thank you to everyone there helping with recovery efforts on the ground and supporting those who are struggling,” she said.

The wildfires, which started on Tuesday, have been fueled by dry conditions and strong winds from Hurricane Dora passing far south of Hawaii. Taken by surprise, many survivors were forced to flee with just the clothes on their backs. Accounts have said that some adults and children jumped into the water to escape the flames. The Coast Guard said it rescued at least 14 people who jumped into the water to escape, including two children.

From reports, the celebrity most affected by the fire appears to be Mick Fleetwood, who has called the town of Lahaina his home for decades. His local restaurant, Fleetwood’s on Front Street, burned to the ground.

“This is a devastating moment for Maui, and many are suffering unimaginable loss,” Mr. Fleetwood said in a statement on Twitter. “Fleetwood’s on Front Street has been lost and while we are heartbroken, our main priority is the safety of our dear staff and team members.”

“On behalf of myself and my family, I share my heartfelt thoughts and prayers for the people of Maui,” he continued. “We are committed to supporting the community and those affected by this disaster in the days and months and years to come.”

Some Wealthy and Famous Residents Remain Mum

Besides Mr. Bezos and Mr. Fleetwood, Oprah Winfrey and Larry Ellison are also some of the celebrities who have homes on the island, along with Clint Eastwood, Steven Tyler, and Owen Wilson.
Ms. Winfrey owns 2,000 acres of land on Maui and has been living there part-time for 15 years, has not yet issued a statement regarding help to locals damaged by the fire. As reported by the New York Post, Ms. Winfrey owns three properties on the island as fires currently threaten her ranch in Kula.

Mr. Ellison, who owns a home on Maui and 98 percent of Lanai Island close by, hasn’t issued a statement on the matter either.

Meanwhile, “Aquaman” star and native Hawaiian Jason Momoa has shared multiple links on his social media accounts about fundraising efforts to help those devastated by the disaster. So has singer Bette Midler. Ms. Midler has a home in Kauai.

As a seasoned journalist and writer, Carly has covered the entertainment and digital media worlds as well as local and national political news and travel and human-interest stories. She has written for Forbes and The Hollywood Reporter. Most recently, she served as a staff writer for Newsweek covering cancel culture stories along with religion and education.
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