Employment Levels Hold Steady in June, StatsCan Reports

Employment levels in June remained virtually the same as the previous month, latest data by Statistics Canada shows.
Employment Levels Hold Steady in June, StatsCan Reports
Unemployment rates in Canada since 2008. Statistics Canada
Omid Ghoreishi

Employment levels in June remained virtually the same as those of the previous month, latest data by Statistics Canada shows.

According to the agency, the nation-wide unemployment in June stayed at 7.1 percent.

With the June data available, the employment growth average for the first half of the year was reported at 14,000 per month, lower than the 27,000 average in the last six months of 2012.

Considering the 12-month period of first half of 2013 and last half of 2012, employment grew by 242,000, or 1.4 percent, and the total number of hours worked went up by 0.6 percent.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan were among the provinces experiencing a raise in employment in June, while New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island saw a decline in employment.

Employment growth in Manitoba was at 7,300 in June, pushing the unemployment rate in the province down to 5 percent. Compared to the same time last year, the employment rate in the province went up by 1.5 percent.

Job growth in Saskatchewan was 4,300, with the unemployment rate going down to 3.7 percent, the lowest in the country. Employment rate in the province went up by 3.6 percent compared to the same time last year, marking the strongest growth rate in the country.

In New Brunswick, there was a reduction of 5,200 jobs, raising the unemployment rate to 11.2 percent in the province, and decreasing employment by 2.2 percent compared to the same time last year.

Employment decline in Prince Edward Island was 1,100, with the unemployment rate at 10.9 percent in the province. Employment rates stayed at the same levels compared to a year ago.

Employment levels were little changed in Ontario and Quebec.

The rise of part-time work in Ontario was offset by declines in full-time work, and the unemployment level went up by 0.2 percent to reach 7.5 percent. Employment went up by 1.6 percent compared to a year ago.

In Quebec, unemployment rate was at 7.9 percent in June, and employment saw a 1.2 percent rise compared to the same time last year, with most of the gains achieved in the last half of 2012.

StatsCan did not find any impact on Southern Alberta employment in June due to the flooding. The agency will collect data in July related to the impact of the floods on the hours worked.

Most of the gains in employment across the country were in professional, scientific, and technical services, accounting for 27,000 jobs in June. This marked a 4.9 percent rise in employment in the industry, one of the highest growth rates among all industries.

Accommodation, food services, information, culture, and recreation were among the sectors experiencing declines in employment in June.