Elvis Hatcher, University of Pennsylvania Student, Commits Suicide Just Weeks After Madison Holleran

Elvis Hatcher, University of Pennsylvania Student, Commits Suicide Just Weeks After Madison Holleran
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Zachary Stieber

Elvis Hatcher, described as a popular sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, committed suicide this week. His death comes just weeks after Madison Holleran, another student, killed herself due to increasing stress over school work.

Hatcher, from Miami Beach in Florida, hung himself, police said.

He was declared dead after being ruhsed to the university’s hospital.

Two other students have killed themselves since the start of winter break.

The four deaths have left parents and students shocked.

“This is the first I’m hearing of this,” parent Jessica Smith said Wednesday night of the four deaths, reported the Daily Pennsylvanian. “I’m processing. And I’m freaking out a little.”

“It’s nerve-wracking,” added Mary Phillips of Virginia, whose daughter is a sophomore. “You wonder about the pressure, you worry about what all these circumstances are.”

Smith said that after learning the news, she was going to call her child to make sure that they were okay.

Hatcher was the treasurer of the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, which issued a statement: 

“The Brothers of Pi Lambda Phi would like to thank the Penn community for its undeniable support as we mourn the loss of our fraternity brother Elvis Hatcher. We are deeply saddened by this unfortunate incident and are currently supporting the family during their loss. Our hearts go out to our fellow students as we pull together as a community to support each other. Pi Lambda Phi has been truly blessed to have a brother like Elvis, and will miss him very much.”

Sophie Degat-Willis, Hatcher’s freshman-year French professor, called Hatcher one of her brightest and funniest students.

“His enthusiasm and insightful contributions highly participated to the amazing dynamic of that class,” Degat-Willis said. “He will be greatly missed by his fellow students, faculty and the Penn community.”

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]