Elephant Goes Sightseeing in Zurich

A lost circus elephant named “Sabu” spent her evening Sunday strolling the streets of Zurich, Switzerland.
Elephant Goes Sightseeing in Zurich
A lost circus elephant named “Sabu” spent her evening Sunday strolling the streets of Zurich, Switzerland. The elephant from Circus Knie crossed the city’s business center and took a bath in the lake.

After a performance Sabu should have gone back to the trailer, but the 26-year-old elephant went her own way.

“She wanted to take a bath in Lake Zurich,” Sabu’s tamer Pavel, 38, told the Swiss media describing her motive. Pavel said it was not on the program, but Sabu is stubborn and a four-ton elephant is not easily stopped.

Sabu seemed to know the streets, since she has been through them before on a yearly elephant event, and at times moved rather quickly. The police chased her for an hour. After turning many surprised faces she decided it was time to follow the program again. Her tamer got her under control and returned her home.

Sabu is now peacefully enjoying fresh grass in her quarters in the company of her three colleagues MaPalaj, Ceylon, and Delhi. No harm was done to animal, human, or property.