Eight Dead in Protests in Sudan’s Darfur

At least eight people were killed and 20 injured during a rally against austerity measures in Sudan’s Darfur region.
Eight Dead in Protests in Sudan’s Darfur

At least eight people were killed and 20 injured during a rally against austerity measures in Sudan’s Darfur region.

Police were accused of using live ammunition to disperse protesters, who were demonstrating against rising prices in Darfur, Al-Jazeera reported. More than 1,000 people, mostly students, took part in the protests and threw rocks at police, witnesses said.

“We want justice,” protesters shouted, according to AFP. “We want retribution.”

State media said that police used a “low level of force” in dealing with the protesters in the town of Nyala, the network reported, citing state-run media.

Police shot tear gas canisters at protesters and the sound of gunfire was heard, witnesses told AFP.

Protesters also set tires on fire and called for the ouster of Darfur’s governor and of President Omar al-Bashir.

“Today there is a heavy security presence all over the town,” a Nyala resident told Reuters. Officials shut down all schools in the city.

Bashir recently announced there would be a hike in fuel prices after subsidies end, and other austerity measures would be needed. His policies also sparked protests and condemnation in the capital of Khartoum, prompting a security crackdown.

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