Easy Lunch Snack Ideas

Here a few healthy lunch ideas that will please even the pickiest eaters.
Easy Lunch Snack Ideas
Glenda Traub/The Epoch Times
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 (Glenda Traub/The Epoch Times)

Easy Lunch Snack Ideas

Packing a good nutritious lunch doesn’t have to take extra time or effort. Here a few healthy lunch ideas that will please even the pickiest eaters.

Whole grain snack crackers add a nice crunch and lots of healthy fiber.

Make a fruit salad with grapes, melons chunks, and blueberries.

Bran muffin with cream cheese.

Cheese sticks

Baby carrots, celery, or cucumber with a small container of ranch dressing.

Pack a cold pasta salad with whole grain pasta

Hard boiled egg

Banana bread topped with cream cheese

Yogurt with granola on the side

Oriental rice crackers

Crackers with cheese spread


Maureen Zebian
Maureen Zebian