Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai: ‘We’ve Become a Lawless Country’

NTD Television

WASHINGTON—Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a Fulbright scholar and renowned scientist and engineer, had testified via video call at the Arizona public hearing after looking at the data for the votes on Election Night, and revealed that some votes had been weighted by race.

He quickly found himself censored.
“We found out the [Massachusetts] Secretary of State contacted Twitter to shut me down when I exposed the fact of the weighted race feature and they deleted ballot images,“ he said. ”I took that to court and the judge stopped them from doing that. I’ve represented myself against three lawyers in federal court, and won.”

Ayyadurai spoke at a rally in Washington on Dec. 12, where thousands gathered, petitioning the government for fair elections and transparent counting. Similar grassroots protests took place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across the 50 states. This was the day after the Supreme Court rejected a major election-related lawsuit, and Ayyadurai said perhaps more people should be representing themselves in these cases.

“No lawyers want to take on these judges, the establishment anymore. We have to learn how to represent ourselves,” said Ayyadurai, who learned case law to represent himself in these federal court cases. He has little faith in federal investigators and agencies like the Department of Justice or the FBI.

“They’re not going to do anything,” he said. “The Department of Justice is a problem. They do not enforce the federal statutes. According to 52 USC 20702, you are supposed to save all [voting] images for 22 months. We went up to Andrew Lelling [Massachusetts Attorney General], filed a complaint, they didn’t do anything,“ he said. ”They’re all part of it.”

“They do not enforce laws, we’ve become a lawless country,” he said. “The only people that are going to enforce it is us.”

“That’s the reality, we have to wake up to the reality, we cannot trust judges, lawyers. Some judges, we may get lucky,” he said. “They’re not going after the real issue, the real issue is what I’ve just pointed out, it’s the algorithms. The mail-in ballots are just smoke. The real issue is the fact that we have electronic voting machines where they can flip votes.”

This video is part of our special series ’What Voters Say.' To watch more videos click here.