Dog Killer Dies After Pet Owner Rams Him Into a Wall With His Van

Dog Killer Dies After Pet Owner Rams Him Into a Wall With His Van
A man who reportedly shot and killed another man's pet dog with a poison dart and escaped on a scooter, was pursued in a van by the dog's owner and rammed. The alleged dog-snatcher did not survive. The photos in the image are not directly related to the story in the article, but are meant to evoke a vehicular collision involving a scooter and a car. CC0
Tom Ozimek

A man accused of killing dogs with poison darts is dead after a furious dog owner in a several-thousand-pound vehicle set his sights on the man and “slammed him into a brick wall with his car.”

According to the Metro, the driver of what appears to be a van has been arrested and faces charges of manslaughter.

The man was reportedly upset that the victim had killed one of his canine pets.

The revenge-seeking suspect is said to be awaiting trial.

The manslaughter victim had been accused of using poisonous darts to kill multiple dogs in the Chinese city of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province.

According to CCTV video posted online and referenced in the report, a man on a scooter, said to be the deceased, can be seen shooting a dog with a dart gun before fleeing the scene.

The dog’s owner is believed to have heard his pet’s anguished wails and ran over to investigate.

When he saw the dog paralyzed on the ground, he reportedly leapt into his vehicle and gave chase. At one point in the pursuit, he caught up to the scooter and slammed vehicle and rider into a pillar and brick wall.

According to the report, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene and the driver of the van was detained for questioning by the police.

The van driver’s family have been cited as saying that he did not intentionally hit the man on the scooter, but “got the pedals confused.”

A relative of the victim reportedly said, “Even if we were in the wrong, that does not give you the right to be judge, jury, and executioner,” the Metro reported.

The Telegraph reported that in December of last year, police in China seized 200,000 poisoned darts, which could have been used to fire at animals in similar dog-snatching incidents as the one alleged to have sparked the deadly pursuit.

The dead dogs are then often sold for meat in restaurants.

Eight members of a gang that had been selling the darts were sent to prison following the raid.

The darts reportedly contained a strong enough dose of poison to kill dogs instantly and could even harm those who ate the meat.

Wendy Higgins, from Humane Society International, told the paper, “The use of poison to catch dogs for the meat trade is a cruelty that very often sees people’s beloved pets targeted, and the animals involved can suffer enormously.”

A video posted on, is typical of how motorized dog-snatchers target animals with poisonous darts.
Dog-snatchers in China using poisonous darts and a crossbow to kill and steal dogs. (Screengrab
Dog-snatchers in China using poisonous darts and a crossbow to kill and steal dogs. Screengrab

“The dog meat trade in China is organized, large scale, and facilitated by crime, with as many as 20 million dogs and 4 million cats killed every year, so stopping the gangs involved is a major step in the right direction,” Higgins added.

In the earlier raid, police also reportedly discovering a ton of dog carcasses in a cold storage facility.

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Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.