Does SmartLipo Really Work?

Does SmartLipo Really Work?
Adam Simpson


Anyone who has struggled with problem fat areas on their body may have already heard of the cosmetic procedure called SmartLipo. They also may be wondering what this procedure is and whether it really works. While it is easy to be skeptical of such fast and noticeable results, the truth is, this is a very real medical option for excess fat removal.

How SmartLipo Is Performed

There are several laser fat removal treatments that are available; however, SmartLipo should not be confused with some of the less effective options. SmartLipo does use Laser Lipolysis technology to melt fat deposits under the skin, which many other treatments also claim to do. The difference is that SmartLipo also works to tighten the skin covering the treatment area, leaving the area looking more toned while helping reduce the amount of time needed for recovery. The SmartLipo procedure follows these steps:

  • Numbing the skin and fat tissue in the area to be treated

  • A small fiber thread is used to direct the laser energy to the area

  • Once the fat begins to melt, it is suctioned out through a small tube

  • After the procedure, the patient wears a garment for two weeks that compresses the area, helping it heal

This procedure is perfect for people who have small, fatty areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is also recommended for areas where the skin is loose or losing elasticity since it not only reduces the fat but also tightens the skin. Healing is quicker than traditional liposuction, giving patients less downtime and faster visual results. The procedure can be performed on almost any fatty area, including the abdomen, face, breasts, buttocks, thighs and upper arms.

The answer to the question of whether SmartLipo really works is, yes. However, results can vary with the experience of the doctor performing the procedure. For the best results, it is best to find a doctor that is very experienced in performing this procedure and who has a portfolio of happy patients that have undergone SmartLipo under their care.