Do Gun Control Measures Improve Public Safety or Erode Constitutional Liberties?

Do Gun Control Measures Improve Public Safety or Erode Constitutional Liberties?
FILE - In this Thursday, June 27, 2013, file photo Richard Taylor manager of at Firing-Line gun store in Aurora, Colo., shows some of the pistols that he won't be able to sell after June 30 because their magazines hold more than 15 rounds. Limits on ammunition magazines and universal background checks, signature pieces of Colorado Democrats’ gun-control legislation in response to mass shootings, take effect July 1, even as county sheriffs fight to overturn the new laws. AP Photo/Ed Andrieski, FILE

Gun control has been a hot topic in the  news in recent years, and even more so since the Sandy Hook massacre. Should gun ownership be limited? How? Can guns be restricted without violating the constitution?  

Gidon Belmaker
Gidon Belmaker
Gidon Belmaker is a former reporter and social media editor with The Epoch Times.