Distillery District Carollers Aim to Set World Record

Lowe’s Toronto Christmas Market wants to set the world record for the number of carollers singing in one place.
Distillery District Carollers Aim to Set World Record
Vendors unveil their merchandise at the annual Toronto Lowe’s Christmas Market at the Distillery District. This year the market aims to attract a record breaking number of carollers. The McLellan Group
Kristina Skorbach
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Mill Street Brewery expects over 15,000 carollers to gather at its annual Lowe’s Toronto Christmas Market to challenge the world record for the most carollers singing together in one place.

Carollers of all background and ages are encouraged to join the fun on Dec. 8th at 5 p.m. 

The hosts pledge to donate $1 for every participant in the “Mill Street World Carolling Challenge” to the Daily Food Bank charity. Carollers will also receive a candle holder and an LED candle. 

“This year it’s about smelling and seeing and hearing. ... What we like to say is ’rediscover the magic of Christmas,'” said Mathew Rosenblatt, one of the creators of the Christmas Market. 

The Christmas Market dates back to the late middle ages in Europe where artisans presented their merchandise to the public in small cabins set up along the street during the holidays. 

In Toronto, this tradition has only been around for three years at the Distillery District, but it’s already attracting attention from locals and visitors from abroad.

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Kristina Skorbach
Kristina Skorbach
Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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