‘Disconnect’ Without Missing a Thing With Notti

Every day, the way that we live with our electronic devices is shifting and evolving. Every new device and new accessory makes it easier to stay connected all the time. But what happens when you want to disconnect?
‘Disconnect’ Without Missing a Thing With Notti
Notti (Courtesy of thegadgetflow.com)

Every day, the way that we live with our electronic devices is shifting and evolving. Every new device and new accessory makes it easier to stay connected all the time.

But what happens when you want to disconnect?

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break, put the phone away and do something decidedly ‘non-digital’ for a bit. Like, maybe possibly talking to actual humans beings face-to-face or something.

I get it, though. As much as you love your ’me' time, there are dozens of notifications rolling in, demanding your attention. You don’t want to take the chance of missing something important, so you’re glued to your phone, checking it dutifully each and every time it vibrates in your pocket.

At long last, there’s a simple solution. In fact, it’s a solution so simple that you'll probably wonder why you don’t already have one.

World, meet Notti.

Notti (Courtesy of thegadgetflow.com)
Notti (Courtesy of thegadgetflow.com)


Notti is a light. Notti is art, too. Notti is functional and sculptural and versatile and it’s totally ready to help you develop a more healthy relationship with your electronics. Or it’s here to fill your room with really visually pleasing light. Your choice, really.

Here’s how it works:

Notti communicates with your iOS or Android device using Bluetooth and the Notti app. With the app, you can tell Notti when to notify you and how. You can choose colors, select favorites and choose from different color modes so that you can create your own visual system; you'll be able to tell what’s happening on your phone without actually having to look at it.

Furthermore, if your the type of person who likes to ease into a new day with a little bit of pleasant light in the morning, Notti has you covered. Pick your favorite color and shade, pair it up with your alarm and suddenly your wake-up call is a little bit brighter.

Notti (Courtesy of thegadgetflow.com)
Notti (Courtesy of thegadgetflow.com)

With Notti, you can start to make your phone a part of your life, instead of the center of it.

And the best part? Notti is currently offering lights through their Kickstarter campaign for just a fraction of the projected retail price.

What are you waiting for? Go on, let Notti light up your life.

Republished with permission from TheGadgetFlowRead the original