Dinghy Race at Hebe Haven Helps Charities

HONG KONG—The 24hr charity dinghy race 2014 organized and hosted by Hebe Haven Yacht Club that took place last weekend (Nov. 1 and 2) is only one of 4-such events worldwide and the only one held in South East Asia.
Dinghy Race at Hebe Haven Helps Charities
Boats shortly after the start of the 24hr Charity Dinghy Race at Hebe Haven on Saturday Nov. 1, 2014. (Bill Cox/Epoch Times)

HONG KONG—The 24hr charity dinghy race 2014 organized and hosted by Hebe Haven Yacht Club that took place last weekend (Nov. 1 and 2) is only one of 4-such events worldwide and the only one held in South East Asia. The main beneficiary of the fundraising is the Children’s Cancer Foundation but other charities benefit including Enlighten—Action for Epilepsy, Idea-the Intellectually Disabled Education & Advocacy League, Sailability Hong Kong and TREATS.

The 24hr Dingy Race is the main feature of the weekend but it is a hugely popular fun weekend with lots of stalls offering a wide range of products, food outlets. Additional activities organized throughout the two-day event included raft races, stand-up paddleboard races and many interesting performances of dance, a Drum Jam and entertainment by a live band on Saturday evening.

The weather was perfect with sunshine all day Saturday and for part of Sunday. Maybe Saturday was a little hot for the competitors, but it was good for attracting visitors to the event.

Hebe Haven puts much effort into helping less-able children with its widely popular Hebe Haven Sailability Trust sailing program. The Sailability team showed its capability and dedication in winning several prizes at the 24hr Charity Dinghy Event. At prize giving onlookers were introduced to the Sailability team and to Foo Yuen Wai the winner of a Bronze Medal at the Asian Para Games in Incheon just a few weeks ago. Foo showed a broad beaming face and encouraged other participants to work to achieve his success—a real ambassador for Hong Kong and for the efforts of the Sailability team.