David Krayden: No Vax, No Organ Transplant? No Sense From COVID-19 Establishment

David Krayden: No Vax, No Organ Transplant? No Sense From COVID-19 Establishment
Alberta resident Sheila Annette Lewis. (Courtesy of Sheila A. Lewis)
David Krayden

Is Canada stuck in some kind of COVID-19 time warp where we still insist people keep taking the vaccine or else they are denied life-saving services?

Yes, we are.

Take the case of Sheila Annette Lewis, who was diagnosed with a terminal illness in 2018 and was told she required an organ transplant to live. She was waiting for that organ in 2020 but the following year was told that before she could get the transplant, she needed to get the COVID jab.


Even the Chinese communist-controlled Worth Health Organization is saying that the pandemic is over.

Look around you. Do you still see people wearing the masks that were somehow necessary upon entering a restaurant but not so essential when seated at a table?

So why is the Canadian health-care system demanding that Lewis receive a vaccine for a virus that is moribund?

This is pure, unadulterated politics and it stinks.

If this woman is healthy today and has plenty of the antibodies necessary to fend off the retreating disease of COVID-19, as an Epoch Times story indicates, then why is she forced to go to the United States for a transplant after supporting the useless Canadian health-care system with her tax dollars all these years?

The last time I checked, health care was a provincial responsibility, so why has Alberta Premier Danielle Smith not intervened in this process? She is the one who proclaimed those who chose not to be vaccinated as “the most discriminated group” that she had experienced in her lifetime.

When asked about the process last December, Smith said she was “seeking a second opinion.” Why? Who is in charge of Alberta’s health system anyway? Elected  politicians or bureaucrats who are still enforcing COVID-19 rules from two years ago?

And of course, Lewis can’t afford to have the procedure done in the United States. Most Canadians could not, but would be forced to have the vaccine in order to have it done here.

It really is time to admit that it is highly debatable that the COVID-19 vaccine saved lives and prevented disease. We have a health minister who was repeatedly vaccinated and repeatedly got COVID. Much like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who frequently contracted the virus despite having claimed he had multiple vaccinations.

Despite his brutal extirpation of the Freedom Convoy through the excessive Emergencies Act, Trudeau found some peace with reality and later began lessening the authoritarian designs of the COVID-19 mandates. He essentially admitted that the unvaccinated posed no threat to Canada.

So why hasn’t the health-care system in Alberta done the same thing? To read that Lewis has to go to the United States for health care is like reading that Canada has failed her.

I took the vaccine twice because I really believed it was a demonstration of good conduct and that this vaccine—facilitated by then-U.S. president Donald Trump after all—was both safe and an effective remedy in the destruction of the COVID-19 virus. I have since had chronic pain in my elbows that, as a life-long exercise enthusiast and weightlifter, I should not be experiencing. Except I have read how the vaccine settles in the extremities of the body and how morticians are discovering nightmares in the corpses of vaccinated individuals.

So there are a lot of losers from the vax mandates. But Lewis should not be one of them.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
David Krayden graduated from Carleton University's School of Journalism and served with the Air Force in public affairs before working on Parliament Hill as a legislative assistant and communications advisor. As a journalist he has been a weekly columnist for the Calgary Herald, Ottawa Sun, and iPolitics.
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