Dance Director: Shen Yun the Hope of China

“It’s really touching. It’s indeed incredible. With such wonderful culture and art, Shen Yun is indeed China’s hope.”
Dance Director: Shen Yun the Hope of China
Mr. Xiong Li, director of the Xiong Li Dance Company in Hong Kong, is moved to tears, when Shen Yun’s performances in Taoyuan County, Taiwan on March 29, 2013. (Liang Sujing/The Epoch Times)
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TAOYUAN, Taiwan—Mr. Xiong Li, Director of the Xiong Li Dance Company in Hong Kong, was moved to tears when he saw Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company at Taoyuan County Performance Center on March 29. He said, “It’s really touching. It’s indeed incredible. With such wonderful culture and art, Shen Yun is indeed China’s hope.”

Mr. Xiong flew to Taiwan from Hong Kong just to see Shen Yun. He explained why it was worth the trip: “It was really overwhelming. From the opening program Descending to the World, I was moved to tears. It was really very touching.”

He said he understood why so many people use superlatives to describe Shen Yun. “It deserves its reputation. I felt that the entire show reached the realm of harmony between heaven and mankind, a dance of divine beings with human beings, and flawless perfection.

Mr. Xiong has dedicated himself to the promotion of Chinese dance and martial arts in Hong Kong for over a decade. He has taught about 9,000 students. He was honored with the First Award for Outstanding Contribution in Arts.

Speaking as an artist and an expert, he said, “The dance skills and the choreography are superb. The design of the costumes and the arrangement of colors are perfect. The synchronization of performers and the backdrops and the coordination of music are wonderful. I felt they were perfect.”

The innovative digital projection impressed Mr. Xiong. “I’ve never seen a backdrop like this before.The Shen Yun backdrops are so lively, and they simply seem to be real, as if they used some high technology no one knows about. How did they make it? It was simply alive. It’s amazingly good, and deserves its reputation.”

“In terms of preserving and promoting traditional Chinese culture, only Shen Yun achieves it. It is really not easy to do it persistently and effectively.”

“I think it is very meaningful for Shen Yun Performing Arts to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, because this kind of culture can save China. Without it, China is bound to collapse.”

“Under the one-party autocracy and the party culture education, people’s morality is declining. Basically, the Chinese people in China worship money and power, and these are their values.”

Speaking of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) destroying Chinese culture, he said, “Its sole purpose is to help the CCP rule China, and let the party control people’s thinking. Therefore, it needs to promote the Party culture, and eliminate the traditional culture completely.”

The party culture is bad for China, and Shen Yun revives the true Chinese civilization, in his opinion. “So, I said Shen Yun’s carrying traditional Chinese culture around the world is very meaningful. Shen Yun can create a brand new China. It (Shen Yun) is a kind of culture, and I think this kind of culture can defeat the CCP.”

Mr. Xiong praised Shen Yun for its promoting universal values. He said, “truthfulness, compassion and tolerance are universal values, because they are humane characteristics and proper human nature. In Shen Yun performances, I have found the future of China, and the hope of China.”

Speaking the CCP’s attempts to interfere with Shen Yun performances, Mr. Xiong said, “Why can’t such a magnificent culture and such wonderful art be presented in China?”

He said he had heard the Communist Party tried to establish a competing company. “I was told that CCP intended to shadow Shen Yun and establish a similar performing arts company. I think they could never succeed, as it is impossible to create it without thoughts, belief, and other fundamental elements. No matter how much money the CCP wants to invest, there is no way it could surpass Shen Yun.”

Mr. Xiong concluded by saying, “Shen Yun is the hope of China.”

He also wrote a poem for Shen Yun:

“Shen Yun ushers in a new China
While Dafa is validating the universe
Shen Yun Performing Arts is
Reviving the righteous Chinese civilization”

Read the original Chinese article.

Reporting by Huang Ciwen and Bill Xu

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

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