‘Culture of Shutting People Down’ On Biological Sex Is ‘Disturbing’ Says UK Health Secretary

‘Culture of Shutting People Down’ On Biological Sex Is ‘Disturbing’ Says UK Health Secretary
Britain's Health Secretary Sajid Javid arrives for a cabinet meeting at Number 10 Downing Street in London on Jan. 25, 2022. Daniel Leal/AFP via Getty Images
Owen Evans

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has condemned the treatment of a teenage girl who was allegedly hounded out of her private school for insisting biological sex was real, saying that a “growing culture of shutting people down is deeply disturbing.”

British Health minister Sajid Javid has expressed his views on gender ideology following a recent Times story about a teenage girl who was allegedly hounded by pupils for challenging the views of a visiting speaker.

The Times story centered around a private school sixth-form pupil (the school and pupil have not been named) who challenged the “trans ideology” of a visiting speaker.

The girl said that while she “disagreed amicably” with the speaker but when she returned to class she was surrounded by up to 60 girls who screamed, swore, and spat at her, leading to her being unable to breathe properly and collapsing.

The Times referenced an article from Transgender Trend, an organisation that has campaigned against the teaching of gender theory in schools.

The Epoch Times has not been able to verify the claims in the Times story.

On Twitter, Javid shared the Times article to his followers and wrote: “Facts matter. Respectful debate matters.”

“Biological sex matters—ask any doctor or nurse. Facts matter. Respectful debate matters. This growing culture of shutting people down is deeply disturbing and must be challenged,” he added.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling, also waded into the row and condemned the treatment of the unnamed pupil as “utterly shameful” to her Twitter followers.

“Utterly shameful. Add this to the tottering pile of evidence that people in education and academia who’re supposed to have a duty of care towards the young have succumbed to an outbreak of quasi-religious fanaticism. The girl’s crime? Saying ’sex exists,'” she wrote.

Javid, whose role involves overall financial control and oversight of delivery and performance of the NHS, has expressed concern and alarm at issues concerning gender treatment and ideology of late.

Last month, he likened political sensitivities over gender dysphoria in children to Asian grooming gangs in Rotherham, which were not properly investigated owing to “political correctness” and a fear of being accused of racism.
In the same month, he also slammed NHS transgender treatment for youths in the House of Commons, saying that is “bordering on ideological” and that it is “failing children.”

Javid has since ordered an overhaul of how health service staff deal with under-18s who question their gender identity and has told officials to formally investigate the approach taken by NHS clinics amid warnings of harmful practices.

Owen Evans
Owen Evans
Owen Evans is a UK-based journalist covering a wide range of national stories, with a particular interest in civil liberties and free speech.
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